direr.h - include file for RMS errors


#include <cbase/direr.h>


This include file contains symbolic definitions for all the error numbers and error messages that are returned by the RMSfile functions. The error numbers are returned by derror(C-3); the error messages are returned by derrmsg(C-3).



* @(#)direr.h 12.1


/* functions which leave error messages */

#define DBLIST 1

#define DCLOSE 2

#define DDELETE 3

#define DFETCH 4

#define DFIND 5

#define DFINDI 6

#define DFINDK 7

#define DFINDN 8

#define DFINDNI 9

#define DFINDNK 10

#define DFLOCK 11

#define DFUNLOCK 12

#define DINSERT 13

#define DLOC 14

#define DOPEN 15

#define DREAD 16

#define DREADC 17

#define DRECSIZ 18

#define DSEEK 19

#define DSETI 20

#define DSETP 21

#define DSTORE 22

#define DUPDATE 23

#define DWRITE 24

#define DFINDFI 25

#define DFINDM 26

#define DFINDNM 27

#define DXDEL 28

#define DXADD 29

#define DFINDP 30

#define DFINDL 31

#define DFINDPK 32

#define DFINDLK 33

#define DFINDPI 34

#define DFINDLI 35

#define DFINDPM 36

#define DFINDLM 37

#define DSETPOS 38

#define DTOPEN 39

#define DBOPEN 40

#define DLOPEN 41

#define DRLIST 42

#define DNUMIDX 43

#define DFLIST 44

/* error numbers returned by derror */

/* and error messages returned by derrmsg */

#define DEFCB 1001

#define DTFCB "no available file control blocks"

#define DENF 1002

#define DTNF "can't open `^0' [^1]"

#define DEND 1003

#define DTND "can't find dictionary for `^0'"

#define DECC 1004

#define DTCC "can't create `^0' [^1]"

#define DEFA 1005

#define DTFA "invalid file access mode `^0'"

#define DEID 1006

#define DTID "invalid dictionary format"

#define DENMKL 1007

#define DTNMKL "no memory for key lists"

#define DENO 1008

#define DTNO "file not open"

#define DERNF 1009

#define DTRNF "record not found"

#define DECR 1010

#define DTCR "`^0' not opened for reading"

#define DEEOF 1011

#define DTEOF "eof encountered"

#define DEFF 1012

#define DTFF "file full"

#define DECW 1013

#define DTCW "`^0' not opened for writing"

#define DENC 1014

#define DTNC "no current record"

#define DEKC 1015

#define DTKC "key change not allowed"

#define DENA 1016

#define DTNA "record `^0' not active"

#define DERN 1017

#define DTRN "invalid record number"

#define DEIO 1018

#define DTIO "i/o error on `^0' [^1]"

#define DENMFL 1019

#define DTNMFL "no space for field list"

#define DEFB 1020

#define DTFB "file busy"

#define DECCI 1021

#define DTCCI "can't make index for `^0' [^1]"

#define DENI 1022

#define DTNI "can't find index for `^0'"

#define DEFNF 1023

#define DTFNF "field `^0' is not in dictionary"

#define DENM 1024

#define DTNM "not enough memory to open file `^0'"

#define DEPNI 1025

#define DTPNI "primary key not indexed"

#define DEIN 1026

#define DTIN "invalid index number"

#define DEFNI 1027

#define DTFNI "file `^0' is not indexed"

#define DEIX 1028

#define DTIX "file ^0, index #^1 is inconsistent"

#define DEEFLS 1029

#define DTEFLS "empty field list specified"

#define DENFLS 1030

#define DTNFLS "no field list specified"

#define DENMBUF 1031

#define DTNMBUF "no memory for record buffer"

#define DEBOF 1032

#define DTBOF "beginning of file reached"

#define DENSQ 1033

#define DTNSQ "previous call cancelled sequence"

#define DENWDT 1034

#define DTNWDT "dictionary write not allowed"

#define DENMDT 1035

#define DTNMDT "not enough memory to open dictionary"

#define DEREDT 1036

#define DTREDT "dictionary read error [^0]"

#define DEDBND 1037

#define DTDBND "data base name not defined"

#define DELFNF 1038

#define DTLFNF "logical file name ^0 not found"

#define DE2LOG 1039

#define DT2LOG "multiple log files not allowed"

#define DETLER 1040

#define DTTLER "transaction log file write error [^0]"

#define DETLSK 1041

#define DTTLSK "transaction log file seek error [^0]"

#define DEDBNF 1042

#define DTDBNF "data base ^0 not found"

#define DELFFMT 1043

#define DTLFFMT "logical file name ^0 has invalid format"

#define DENCON 1044

#define DTNCON "name conflict with local file ^0 and logical file"

#define DELKER 1045

#define DTLKER "lock on file ^0 failed [^1]"

#define DEINSH 1046

#define DTINSH "incompatible share modes used on file %s"

#define DEFVTL 1047

#define DTFVTL "value too large in drlist field number ^0"

#define DENFT 1048

#define DTNFT "data type mismatch for field ^0 in drlist"

#define DEDRS 1049

#define DTDRS "array elements mismatch for field ^0 in drlist"

#define DEDRLP 1050

#define DTDRLP "size or array elements mismatch field ^0 in drlist"

#define DEKNFLD 1051

#define DTKNFLD "current key contains ^0 fields"

#define DELFMEM 1052

#define DTLFMEM "not enough memory to determine pathname"

#define DEFIRST 1001 /* First RMS error number */

#define DELAST 1052 /* Last RMS error number */