19.2.2 Delete Old General Ledger Balances

Usage: delbal balfile year

The General Ledger menu has been changed so the command to delete old general ledger balances is incorrect. See your system administrator.


error message

delbal0110: cannot open [master | system] file for

file name

The bopen message describes why the master or system file for file name cannot be opened. This process opens the following files:

Table 19 - 3

Ledger Code File Name

lg ledger system ledger file

gb glbal general ledger balances

Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on bopen.


system error message

delbal0120: cannot set [master | system] file field list for

file name

The system error message describes why the field list cannot be set. Refer to Table 19 - 3 for the files opened by this process.


system error message

delbal0130: cannot lock [master | system] file for

file name

The system error message describes why the file cannot be locked. Refer to Table 19 - 3 above for the files used by this process.

delbal0300: no system file defined for gb

There is no file associated with the ledger code gb in the ledger file. Enter the general ledger balances file, glbal for the ledger code gb through the menu selection Accounting System Files on the System Set Up menu.

delbal0310: gb is not a system file

The general ledger balances file has been entered in the ledger file as either a journal or a ledger file. This is incorrect. Delete this incorrect entry, and re-enter the ledger code, gb and the file glbal through the menu selection Accounting System Files on the System Set Up menu.

delbal0320: year

is not a valid accounting year

The year entered at the beginning of this process, year must be greater than zero.

delbal0410: no journal file defined for gj

The general journal file has not been entered into the ledger file. Enter the following through the menu selection Accounting System Journals on the System Set Up menu.

Table 19 - 4

Ledger Code Master Detail Name

gj genjrnlm genjrnld General Journal

delbal0420: cannot get closing dates for year


Enter closing dates for year through menu selection Closing Dates for Accounting Periods on the System Set Up menu, and re-run the process.

delbal0430: period 1 of year year

is not closed

Since the closing processes use the balances from the previous period to calculate current balances, you may not delete the general ledger balances for a year until the first period for the succeeding year is closed.


system error message

debal0440: ledger file in use

Some one else is using the ledger file so the process is unable to access it. Wait a little while, and then try running the process again.