19.2.3 Trial Close Accounting Period

Usage: glbal year period

Usage: history mastercode historycode year period

Usage: posttrx [-a] [-y year] [-p period] journalcode

Usage: pulgltrx [-c] year period journalcode [dbcode]

Usage: pulintrx [-adv] year period

Usage: putgltrx [-c] year period ledger gt [dbcode]

Usage: recost [-bc] year period

Usage: trial [-cvd] year period

The Closing menu has been changed so the command to run the trial close process is incorrect. See your system administrator.


error message

glbal0110: cannot open master file for


The following table lists the files opened by this process.

Table 19 - 5

File Ledger Code Name

glacct gl general ledger accounts

glbal gb general ledger balances

The bopen message describes why the file cannot be opened. Refer to the bopen message in the General Error Messages section.


system error message

glbal0120: cannot set master field list for


Refer to Table 19 - 5 for the data file associated with ledger. The system message immediately preceding this message describes why the field list cannot be set.


system error message

glbal0130: cannot lock master file for


Refer to Table 19 - 5 for the data file associated with ledger. The system message immediately preceding this message describes why the file cannot be locked. The file has probably already been locked by someone else.

glbal0300: invalid accounting period

Valid accounting periods are 1 through 12.


system error message

The process was unable to insert a new record into the general ledger balances file glbal for the reason specified by system error message.


system error message

The process was unable to update a record in the general ledger balances file, glbal, for the reason specified by

system error message.

glbal10500: not enough fields in line


See your system administrator.


system error message

glbal0600: cannot find account


The process was unable to find a record for account in the general ledger account master file, glacct, for the reason specified by system error message.


system error message

glbal0610: cannot find balance record for glacct


The process was unable to find a history record for account in the general ledger history file, glbal, for the reason specified by system error message.


system error message

The process was unable to update the general ledger history file, glbal, for the reason specified by system error message.


error message

history0110: cannot open master file for


The following table lists the files opened by this process.

Table 19 - 6

File Ledger Code Name

inbal ib inventory product balances

product in inventory

The bopen message describes why the file cannot be opened. Refer to the bopen message in the General Error Messages section.


system error message

history0120: cannot set master field list for


Refer to Table 19 - 6 for the data file associated with ledger. The system message immediately preceding this message describes why the field list cannot be set.


system error message

history0130: cannot lock master file for


Refer to Table 19 - 6 for the data file associated with ledger. The system message immediately preceding this message describes why the file cannot be locked. The file has probably already been locked by someone else.

history0300: invalid accounting period


Valid accounting periods are in the range of 1 through 12.


system error message

A record could not be inserted into the inventory history file, inbal, for the reason specified by system error message.


system error message

A inventory history file record in inbal could not be updated for the reason specified by system error message.


system error message

history0600: cannot find account


The program is in the process of updating the inventory history balances. It cannot find account in the master file for the reason specified by system error message.


system error message

The program is unable to insert a new inventory history record into the history file for the reason specified by system error message.


system error message

The program is unable to update the inventory history file, inbal for the reason specified by system error message.


error message

posttrx0110: cannot open [header | detail] file for


The process is unable to open one of the journal files for the reason described by error message. Refer to bopen in the General Error Messages section. Table 19 - 15 in the Accounting Files section lists the journals that may be opened by this process.


system error message

posttrx0120: cannot set [header | detail] file field list for


The field list for one of the journal files cannot be set for the reason specified by system error message. Refer to Table 19 - 15 in the Accounting Files section for the list of journals that may be opened by this process.


system error message

posttrx0130: cannot lock [header | detail] file for


The system error message gives the reason why the system cannot lock one of the journal files. Refer to Table 19 - 15 in the Accounting Files section for the list of journals that may be opened by this process.

posttrx0400: System error. journal

is out of balance

posttrx0400: After fixing the posting problem, run:

posttrx0400: posttrx

journal code

posttrx0400: to rebalance the journal.

The journal journal is out of balance. See your System Administrator.

posttrx0500: unknown option


See your System Administrator.


error message

posttrx0510: Invalid year and period

The dtpy message describes why the process cannot calculate the starting and ending dates of the period entered at the beginning of the process. Refer to the dtpy error message in the General Error Messages section.

posttrx0520: Must specify both year and period

Either the year or the period was not specified at the beginning of the process.


error message

posttrx0530: No such journal


The code journal code is not in the ledger file. Enter it through the menu choice Accounting System Journals on the System Set Up Menu. Refer to Table 19 - 15 in the Accounting Files for the list of journals that may be processed.


error message

posttrx0600: System error. Could not post record in


This error occurred while the process was trial posting a journal header record. Refer to the post error in the General Error Messages section for more information on the posting problem. Table 19 - 15 in the Accounting Files section displays a list of journals.


error message

posttrx0610: System error. Could not post record in


This error occurred while the process was trial posting a journal detail record. Refer to the post error in the General Error Messages section for more information on the posting problem.

posttrx0620: System error. transaction in journal is out of balance by


The process has just run a trial post on transaction in the journal journal and has found that it is out of balance by amount. This means that the amount in the header portion of transaction is not equal to the sum of the transaction detail records.


error message

posttrx0700: System error. Could not post transaction in


This error occurred while the process was trying to post the detail portion of transaction in the journal file. The header portion of transaction has not been posted yet. The post message describes the problem it encountered. Refer to this message in the General Error Messages section. The process will wait for 10 seconds and then try again to post the transaction. It will continue this procedure until it has either successfully posted the transaction or the process is interrupted.


error message

posttrx0710: System error. Could not post record in


This error occurred while the process was trying to post the header portion of transaction in the journal file. The detail portion of transaction has been posted. The post message describes the problem it encountered. Refer to this message in the General Error Messages section. The process will wait for 10 seconds and then try again to post the transaction. It will continue this procedure until it has either successfully posted the transaction or the process is interrupted.

invalid accounting period


Valid accounting periods are periods 1 through 12.


error message

pulgltrx0100: cannot open [header | detail] file for

journal name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. Refer to Table 19 - 15 in the Accounting Files section for the list of journals that may be opened by this process. Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.


system error

pulgltrx0110: cannot set [header | detail] file field list for

journal name

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error. Refer to Table 19 - 15 in the Accounting Files section for the list of journals that may be opened by this process.


system error

pulgltrx0120: cannot lock [header | detail] file for

journal name

The file, is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator.


system error message

pulgltrx0200: year year

not defined in closedat file.

The process was unable to find the current year year in the closing dates file, closedat for the reason specified by system error message. If a record for year is missing, enter it into the closing dates file through the system set up menu.


system error message

pulgltrx0210: year year

not defined in closedat file.

The system could not find a record for the previous year year in the closing dates file for the reason specified by system error message. If a record for year is missing, enter it into the closing dates file through the system set up menu.


system error message

pulgltrx0300: unable to find account

in general ledger file

The system is unable to access the general ledger account account for the reason described by system error message. At this point in the trial close process the system is collecting all the transactions for the period for each company.


error message

pulintrx0100: cannot open [header | detail] file for

journal name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. Refer to table 19 - 14 in the Accounting Files section for the file associated with journal name. Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.


system error

pulintrx0110: cannot set [header | detail] file field list for

journal name

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error. Refer to Table 19 - 15 in the Accounting Files section to find the file journal name.


system error

pulintrx0120: cannot lock [header | detail] file for

journal name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. Refer to Table 19 - 15 in the Accounting Files section to find the file journal name.

pulintrx0200: invalid option


See your system administrator.

pulintrx0210: period

is an invalid accounting period

Valid accounting periods are periods 1 through 12.


error message

pulintrx0220: unable to establish dates for year year period


The system is unable to calculate the first day and last day for period year for the reason specified by the dtpy message. Refer to the General Errors section for more information on the dtpy error.

pulintrx0300: Accounting period period in year

is closed

pulintrx0300: Invoice recosting cannot be run on a closed period

The trial close process cannot be run on a closed period. You must re-open the period before you can run a trial close.

If this message is displayed while the final close process is being run, it means that either the trial close process was not run prior to running the final close process or, one or more transactions have been entered since the trial close process was run. In either case, go back to the menu and run the trial close process and print the appropriate reports. When you are satisfied with the trial balances, re-run the final close process.

pulintrx0310: Accounting period period in year

is closed

pulintrx0310: Invoice recosting cannot be run on a closed period

The system has found closing entries in the general journal file for period in year. You must re-open the period before you can run a trial close.


error message

putgltrx0100: cannot open [master | header | detail] file for

journal name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message. The following table lists the files opened by pulgltrx.

Table 19 - 7

File Ledger Code Name

gltrxd gt General Ledger Transactions detail

gltrxm gt General Ledger Transactions header

glacct gl General Ledger master


system error

pulintrx0110: cannot set [master | header | detail] file field list for


The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error. Refer to Table 19 - 7 above for the files opened by putgltrx.


system error message

putgltrx0200: unable to insert record into detail file for


The system failed to insert a record into the general ledger transaction detail file, gltrxd, for the reason given by

system error message.


system error message

putgltrx0300: unable to insert record into header file for


The system failed to insert a record into the general ledger transaction header file, gltrxm, for the reason given by system error message.


system error message

putgltrx0310: cannot find account

in general ledger file

The system was unable to find the general ledger account account in the general ledger file for the consolidated set of books for the reason specified by the system error message. The general ledger account account is either a general ledger account in one of the subsidiary companies or, it was entered as the consolidated account for one of the general ledger accounts in a subsidiary company.

recost0100: source line line number

does not have enough fields

See your system administrator.

recost0200: string string

is too long

See your system administrator.

recost0300: no history for product product in year


This is a warning message only, it does not stop the process. It means that there is no record for the product in the inventory history file. Inventory history records are created when the trial close process is run. The first time the trial balance process is run on a set of books this message is displayed for every product. When a new product is added this message appears for the new product the next time the trial close is run.

If the message appears for an old product that should have a history record, check the permissions and integrity of the inventory history file inbal.


error message

recost0400: source line line# cannot unpost invoice invoice


Before the trial close process collects all the transactions for the period, it recalculates the cost of goods sold for every invoice in the period. The process must unpost an invoice before it can update its cost. The post error describes why the process could not unpost invoice invoice. Refer the General Error Messages section for more information on the post error. This is a warning message only, it does not stop the process. After you have determined the cause of this error and fixed it, run the trial close process again.


error message

recost0410: source line line# cannot post invoice invoice


Before the trial close process collects all the transactions for the period, it recalculates the cost of goods sold for every invoice for the period. After an invoice has been updated it must be posted. The post error describes why the process could not post invoice invoice. Refer the General Error Messages section for more information on the post error. This is a warning message only, it does not stop the process. After you have determined the cause of this error and fixed it, run the trial close process again.

recost0420: source line line# cannot find detail for product


The process is unable to find any invoice detail records for product product. This is a warning message only, it does not stop the process.

recost0500: source line line#, cannot find product


The process was unable to find product in the inventory product master file,



system error message

The system cannot lock the product file for the reason specified by the system error message.

recost0520: source line line#, cannot find product


The system is unable to re-read the product record for product. This is a warning message only it does not stop the process. After you have determined the cause of this error and fixed it, run the trial close process again.


error message

recost600: cannot open [master | detail] file for

journal name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. The table below lists the files this process must open.

Table 19 - 8

File Ledger Code Name

invoiced sj sales journal detail file

inbal ib inventory product history master file

product in inventory product master file

Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.


system error

recost0610: cannot set [master | detail] file field list for

journal name

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error. Refer to Table 19 - 8 above for the list of files used in this process.


system error

recost0620: cannot lock [master | detail] file for

journal name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. Refer to Table 19 - 8 for the list of files locked by this process.


error message

recost0700: unable to establish dates for year year, period


The process cannot find the starting and ending days for period period in year year for the reason specified by the dtpy error message. Refer to the General Errors Section for more information on the dtpy error message.

recost0800: WARNING: not all invoices have been updated.

The process has been interrupted before it could finish updating all the invoices. Re-run the trial close process.


error message

trial0100: cannot open [header | detail] file for

journal name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. The table below lists the files this process must open.

Table 19 - 9

File Ledger Code Name

genjrnlm gj general journal header file

genjrnld gj general journal detail file

glbal gb general ledger balances file

inbal ib inventory product balances file

companys cm company names file

Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.


system error

trial0110: cannot set [header | detail] file field list for

journal name

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error. Refer to Table 19 - 9 above for the list of files used in this process.


system error

trial0120: cannot lock [header | detail] file for

journal name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. Refer to Table 19 - 9 for the list of files locked by this process.

trial0200: option

is an invalid option

The Closing menu has been changed so the command to run the trial close process is incorrect. See your system administrator.

trial0210: period

is an invalid accounting period

Valid accounting periods are periods 1 through 12.

trial0300: accounting period period in year

is closed

trial0300: trial close cannot be run on a closed period

There are closing entries in the general journal file for period period in year year. The trial close process cannot be run on a closed period. If you wish to run a trial close on period in year you must first run the reopen period process.


system error message

trial0410: cannot update account

in gl history file

The trial close process is clearing the balances for the current period in the glbal file before calculating new balances. It is unable to update the record for account for the reason given by system error message.


system error message

trial0510: cannot update product

in inventory history file

The trial close process is clearing the balances for the current period in the inbal file before calculating new balances. It is unable to update the record for product for the reason given by system error message.

trial0600: cannot create temporary file

If the environment variable TMPDIR is not set, the process tries to create a temporary working file in the directory /tmp. It is unable to do this. Check permissions for the /tmp directory or the directory specified by TMPDIR.

trial0610: cannot create temporary file

If the environment variable TMPDIR is not set, the process tries to create a temporary working file in the directory /tmp. It is unable to do this. Check permissions for the /tmp directory or the directory specified by TMPDIR.


system error message

trial0700: cannot open data base


The process is unable to open the data base database for the reason specified by system error message.

trial0800: cannot create temporary file

If the environment variable TMPDIR is not set, the process tries to create a temporary working file in the directory /tmp. It is unable to do this. Check permissions for the /tmp directory or the directory specified by TMPDIR.