19.2.4 Final Close of Accounting Period

Before the final close process re-runs the trial close process, it calls lockper to lock the period so that no more transactions can be entered in the period to be closed. After it has successfully run the trial close process it calls closeper to make the closing entries.

If any process called by final does not complete successfully, the final close process is aborted after running openper to unlock the period.

Usage: final [-c] year period earnings

This routine runs the final close process for period in year.

Earnings is the retained earnings account.

The Closing menu has been changed so that the command to run the final close process is incorrect, see your system administrator.

Usage: lockper year period

See your system administrator.

Usage: closeper [-c] year period retained_earnings

See your system administrator.

Usage: openper year period

See your system administrator.


####: error message

closeper0110: cannot open [master | header | detail] file for

journal company

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. The Table 19 - 10 below lists the files this process must open.

Table 19 - 10

File Ledger Code Name

genjrnld gj general journal detail file

genjrnlm gj general journal header file

glacct gl general ledger master file

ledger lg ledger master file

company cm company names (consolidation only)

Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.


system error

closeper0120: cannot set [master | header|detail] file field list for

journal company

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error. Refer to Table 19 - 10 above for the list of files used in this process.


system error

closeper0130: cannot lock [master | header | detail] file for

journal name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. Refer to Table 19 - 10 for the list of files locked by this process.


system error message

closeper0310: unable to open data base


The system is unable to open the database database for processing for the reason specified by the

system error message.

closeper0510: No data base defined

The environment variable DBASE is not defined. Normally this is set when the command cbooks is run.

closeper0520: company accounting period period in year

has not been closed

The final close process must be run for the period on all the subsidiary companies before it can be run on the consolidated set of books.


system error message

closeper0530: unable to open data base


The system is cannot open database for processing for the reason specified by the

system error message.

closeper0710: accounting period period in year

already closed

There are general journal closing entries for period which means that the period has already been closed.

closeper0720: period period

is not locked for posting, lockper must be run

The program to run the final close process has been changed, see your system administrator.

closeper0730: no such gl account


The system is unable to find in the general ledger accounts file, glacct, the retained earnings account entered at the beginning of the final close process.

closeper0740: gl account account

not valid for retained earnings

The account entered at the beginning of the process for the retained earnings account is not set up correctly as a retained earnings account. A retained earning account must be a balance sheet credit account, Balance Sheet = yes and Debit = no.

closeper0750: accounting period period in year

has not been closed

Accounting periods must be closed in sequence. The period period must be closed before you can close the current period.

closeper0810: accounting period period in year

already closed

The period period is already closed. There are closing entries for this period in the general journal file.


system error message

closeper0820: unable to insert entry

into general journal header file

The system was unable to insert the closing entry into the general journal header file for the reason specified by the system error message. No general journal detail records have been created at this time.

closeper0910: invalid accounting year


The year must be a number greater than 1.

closeper0920: invalid accounting period


Valid accounting periods are periods 1 through 12.


error message

closeper0930: cannot get closing date for period period year


The system was unable to get the last day for the period for the reason specified by the dtpy error message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the dtpy error message.

closeper1010: cannot find balance account


The history record from the glbal file is missing for



system error message

closeper1120: cannot insert entry account

into general journal detail file

The system is unable to insert the closing entry for account into the general journal detail file for the reason specified by system error message. None of the closing entries for this period have been posted at this time.


error message

closeper1130: error in posting entry account

in general journal detail file

The system is unable to trialpost the closing entry for account for the reason specified by the post error. Refer to the General Errors section for more information on the post error. None of the closing entries for this period have been posted at this time.


system error message

closeper1210: cannot insert entry account

into general journal detail file

The system is unable insert the closing entry for the retained earnings account into the general journal detail file. None of the closing entries for this period have been posted at this time.


error message

closeper1220: error in posting entry account

in general journal detail file

The system was unable to trialpost the closing entry for the retained earnings account for the reason specified by the post error message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the post error message. None of the closing entries for this period have been posted at this time.


error message

closeper1310: will try again in 10 seconds

The system is unable to post a closing entry to the general journal detail file. It will wait 10 seconds and then try again. This procedure is repeated until the posting is successful or the process is interrupted.

closeper1410: unable to close period period in year


The period cannot be closed due to errors previously displayed.


error message

lockper0100: cannot open master file for

journal name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. The table below lists the files this process must open.

Table 19 - 11

File Ledger Code Name

ledger lg edger file

closedat gc closing dates file

Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.


system error

lockper0110: cannot set master file field list for

journal name

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error. Refer to Table 19 - 11 above for the list of files used in this process.


system error

lockper0120: cannot lock master file for

journal name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. Refer to Table 19 - 11 for the list of files locked by this process.

lockper0200: Invalid accounting period


Valid accounting periods are periods 1 through 12.


error message

lockper0210: Unable to get last day of period

period year

The process is unable to figure out the last day of period period for the reason specified by the dtpy error message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the dtpy message.

lockper0300: unable to find date

in close date file

There is no entry for date in the close date file, closedat. The date date is the last day of the last period closed. Go to the System Set Up menu and make sure this date is still in the closing dates file.


error message

lockper0310: Unable to get last day of period

period year

The process was not able to find the last day of period for the reason specified by the dtpy error message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the dtpy error message. The period period is the period that should be closed next. The ending date for this period must be entered in the closing dates file.

lockper0320: next valid closing is period period in year


You may not close periods out of order. The next period to be closed is period period in year year.


system error message

lockper0400: unable to update ledger record

in ledger file

The system locks the books against further activity for a period by entering the last day of the period in each record in the ledger file. The system was unable to update ledger record for the reason specified by the system error message.


error message

openper0100: cannot open [master | header | detail] file for

journal name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. The table below lists the files this process must open.

Table 19 - 12

File Ledger Code Name

closedat gc closing dates master file

genjrnlm gj general journal header file

genjrnld gj general journal detail file

ledger lg ledger master file

Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.


system error

openper0110: cannot set [master | header | detail] file field list for

journal name

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error. Refer to Table 19 - 12 above for the list of files used in this process.


system error

openper0120: cannot lock [master | header | detail] file for

journal name

The file, is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. Refer to Table 19 - 12 for the list of files locked by this process.

openper0200: Invalid accounting period


Valid accounting periods are 1 through 12.


error message

openper0300: Unable to get first day of

period year

The system is unable to find the first day of period for the reason specified by the dtpy error message. The system calculates the first day of a period by adding one day to the last day of the previous period. This means that the last day of the previous period must be entered into the closing dates file through the System Set Up menu.

Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the dtpy error message.


error message

openper0310: ending date for period periodin year

not entered in closedat

The system was unable to find the last day of period period for the reason specified by the dtpy error message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the dtpy message.

openper0320: ending date for period period in year

not entered in closedat

Check the closing date file through the System Set Up menu to be sure there is an entry for period period in year year.

openper0330: deletion made in ledger on


A deletion process has been run on ledger on date. A period cannot be opened if any deletion processes have been run on transactions in that period.

openper0340: Cannot open period period in year


The process cannot open the period because of the problems described by the previous error messages

openper0400: no closed date in ledger file

There are no closing dates recorded in the ledger file.

openper0410: Unable to find date

in closedat

The date of the last closing as recorded in the ledger file is date. The process cannot find this date in the closing dates file.


error message

openper0500: Unable to get last day of

period year

The process was not able to find the last day of the period previous to the period last closed for the reason specified by the dtpy error message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the dtpy error message.


error message

openper0600: Unable to unpost

general journal entry

Part of the process of opening a closed period is removing the closing entries for the period from the general journal file. The system was unable to unpost general journal entry for the reason specified by the post error message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the post error message.


error message

openper0700: Unable to get last day of

period year

The process must get the date of the last day of period before it can open it. It is unable to find this date for the reason specified by the dtpy error message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the dtpy error message.