19.2.5 Reopen Closed Period

Usage: reopen year period

The Closing menu has been changed so that the command to run the reopen closed period process is incorrect, see your system administrator.


error message

reopen0100: cannot open [master | header | detail] file for

journal name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. The table below lists the files this process must open.

Table 19 - 13

File Ledger Code Name

closedat gc closing dates master file

genjrnlm gj general journal header file

genjrnld gj general journal detail file

ledger lg ledger master file

Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.


system error

reopen0110: cannot set [master | header | detail] file field list for

journal name

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error. Refer to Table 19 - 13 above for the list of files used in this process.


system error

reopen0120: cannot lock [master | header | detail] file for

journal name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. Refer to Table 19 - 13 for the list of files locked by this process.


system error message

reopen0200: Cannot find closing date in closedat for period period in


The system was unable to find an entry for period in year in the closing dates file closedat for the reason specified by the

system error message.


error message

reopen0210: System error. Could not unpost


Before the period can be reopened the closing entries in the general journal file must be removed. Each closing entry must be unposted prior to removing it. The system was unable to unpost the closing entry in the general journal header file. No closing entries have been unposted or deleted at this time. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the post error message.


error message

reopen0220: System error. Could not unpost


Before the period can be reopened the closing entries in the general journal file must be removed. Each closing entry must be unposted prior to removing it. The system was unable to unpost a closing entry in the general journal detail file. The closing entry in the general journal header file has been deleted. Some closing entries in the general journal detail file may have been deleted. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the post error message.


system error message

reopen0300: Cannot find closing date in closedat for period period in


The system was unable to find an entry for period year in the closing dates file, closedat for the reason specified by system error message. At this point the process is trying to determine if any deletion processes have been run for the period to be reopened. A period cannot be reopened if any deletion processes have been run for the period. None of the closing entries for the period have been removed.


system error message

reopen0400: cannot update


The process is unable to update the record for ledger in the ledger file with the new closing date for the reason specified by system error message. All the closing entries in the general journal file for the period have been removed at this time.

reopen0500: Period period in year year

is not closed

There is no closing entry in the general journal header file for


reopen0510: Period period in year

must be reopened

reopen0510: before period period in year

can be reopened

The period you are trying to reopen was not the last period closed. Periods must be reopened in sequence.


system error message

reopen0520: Cannot find closing date in closedat file for period period in


The period previous to the one being reopened must be entered in the closing dates file, closedat. The system was unable to find an entry for the previous period for the reason specified by system error message.

reopen0530: Deletions have been run in period period in


A period cannot be reopened if any deletion processes have been run in that period.