37.4.1 Print Checks

Usage: makeck paydate cdcode vouchercode

The Cash Disbursements menu has been changed so that the command to print checks is incorrect. See your system administrator.


error message

makeck0110: cannot open [header | detail] file for


The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. See Table 37 - 7 in the Accounting Files section at the end of this chapter for a list of file names and their descriptions. Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.


system error message

makeck0120: cannot set [header | detail] file field list for


The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error message. See Table 37 - 7 in the Accounting Files section at the end of this chapter for a list of file names and their descriptions.


system error message

makeck0130: cannot lock for insertions [header | detail] file for


The file, is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. See Table 37 - 7 in the Accounting Files section for a list of file names and their descriptions.

makeck0310: cannot open file

as input file

The system cannot open file which has been specified in the Cash Disbursements menu as the file containing the disbursements to be paid. See your system administrator.

makeck0320: Cannot find code

in ledger file

The process is looking for the ledger code cl, which is the ledger code for the cash disbursements files. If code is cl, enter the cash disbursements ledger into the ledger file through Accounting System Files on the System Set Up menu with the following entries.

Ledger Code Header Detail Name

cl cdm cdd cash disbursements list

If code is not cl, the Cash Disbursements menu has been changed. See your system administrator.

makeck0330: Cannot post checks into a closed period

The date that you specified for the check date is in a closed period. Either reopen the period or pick another date.

makeck0340: check number check no

already used

The starting check number has already been used, pick another starting check number.

makeck0500: End of check number sequence:

check no

The last check created was check no. The system cannot increment this check number so it cannot create checks for the rest of the disbursements. Re-run this report with the same input parameters except use a different starting check number. Make sure that there are enough incrementable characters at the end of the new starting check number.


error message

makeck0600: Cannot post check

The system was unable to post the check header record for the reason specified by the post error message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the post message.


system error message

makeck0610: Cannot insert check header record

The system was unable to add the check to the check header file checkm for the reason specified by system error message. It will attempt to unpost the record and unpost and delete the corresponding check detail records.

makeck0615: Disbursement vendor bank overpays voucher

no check made

The disbursement identified is for more than the balance of voucher. The system will not over pay a voucher, so no check was made for the disbursement. This is a warning message and does not halt the check making process. When the process is completed, edit the disbursement and re-run this process.


error message

makeck0620: Cannot post check

The system was unable to post the check detail record for the reason specified by the post error. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the post error.


system error message

makeck0630: Cannot insert check detail record

The system was unable to add a check to the check detail file checkd for the reason specified by system error message.