14.3.1 Calculate Depreciation

Usage: fadepr year period

The Fixed Asset menu has been changed so the command to calculate depreciation is incorrect. See your system administrator.

bopen####: error message

fadepr0110: can't open [master | header | detail] file for ledger code

The bopen message describes why the file cannot be opened. Refer to the General Error Message section for more information on the bopen error. The following files are opened by this process.

Table 14 - 3

File Type Ledger Code File Name Description

master fa asset fixed asset file

header dj deprecm depreciation transactions

detail dj deprecd depreciation transactions

detail ac acrsd acrs percentages

detail lm limitd depreciation limits

fadepr0120: system error message

fadepr0120: can't set [master | header | detail] file field list for ledger

The system error message specifies why the field list cannot be set. Refer to Table 14 - 3 to check the files used by this process.

fadepr0130: system error message

fadepr0130: can't lock [master | header | detail] file for code

The system error message specifies why the file cannot be locked. Refer to Table 14 - 3 to check the files used by this process.

fadepr0300: invalid year

A negative number was specified as the accounting year. Re-run process with a valid accounting year.

fadepr0310: invalid period

An invalid accounting period was entered at the beginning of the process. Valid accounting periods are periods 1 through 12. Re-run process with a valid accounting period.

dtpy####: error message

fadepr0320: unable to get last day of period period, year

The dtpy message specifies why the last day of period cannot be found. Refer to the dtpy message in the General Error Messages section.

fadepr0500: system error message

fadepr0500: cannot open dictionary file for depreciation header file.

This is not a user recoverable error. See your system administrator.

fadepr0510: No index in deprecm file for asset, year, period.

The secondary index made up of the fields asset, year, and period has been removed from the file deprecm. Re-enter this index and run convertlf.

fadepr0600: system error message

fadepr0600: unable to lock fixed asset record asset

This message is preceded by a system message giving more information about why the record for asset asset cannot be locked. The error message indicates that the file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator.

fadepr0700: no asset for depreciation entry depreciation transaction

Depreciation has been run on this period before. The process must remove the depreciation transactions for the current period created by the previous run of the process before it can create new depreciation transactions for the current period. The asset in depreciation transaction depreciation transaction cannot be found in the asset master file.

fadepr0710: depreciation entry depreciation transaction is inconsistent

Each depreciation transaction is made up of two records. The record in deprecm posts the depreciation amount to the accumulated depreciation account. The record in deprecd posts the depreciation amount to to depreciation expense account. When the process encountered this error it was removing depreciation transactions for the current period that were created by a previous run of the process. The process was unable to find the expense record for depreciation transaction in deprecd.

fadepr0720: depreciation entry depreciation transaction is unbalanced

Each depreciation transaction is made up of two records. The record in deprecm posts the depreciation amount to the accumulated depreciation account. The record in deprecd posts the depreciation amount to to depreciation expense account. When the process encountered this error it was removing depreciation transactions for the current period that were created by a previous run of the process. The deprecm and deprecd records for depreciation transaction have different amounts.

post####: error message

fadepr0730: system error: trialpost failed

Each depreciation transaction is made up of two records. The record in deprecm posts the depreciation amount to the accumulated depreciation account. The record in deprecd posts the depreciation amount to to depreciation expense account. When the process encountered this error it was removing depreciation transactions for the current period that were created by a previous run of the process. Before the old current depreciation transactions can be removed, they must be unposted. Prior to unposting a record, the process runs a trial post to check the posting process. The post message describes the posting error resulting from trial post. Refer to the post message in the General Error Messages section.

post####: error message

fadepr0740: unable to unpost record

Each depreciation transaction is made up of two records. The record in deprecm posts the depreciation amount to the accumulated depreciation account. The record in deprecd posts the depreciation amount to to depreciation expense account. When the process encountered this error it was unposting the old current depreciation transactions, created by a previous run of this process, prior to removing the old records. The post message describes the posting error resulting from attempting to unpost a record. Refer to the post message in the General Error Messages section.

dtpy####: error message

fadepr0800: unable to get the period and year asset asset was purchased

The dtpy message describes why the system is unable to find the period and year in which the asset was purchased. Refer to the dtpy message in the General Error Messages section.

fadepr0900: system message

fadepr0900: I/O error on depreciation header file

The process was unable to insert a depreciation transaction into the deprecm file. The system message immediately preceding this message gives more information about why the record could not be inserted.

fadepr0910: system error message

fadepr0910: I/O error on depreciation detail file

The process was unable to insert a depreciation transaction into the deprecd file. The system message immediately preceding this message gives more information about why the record could not be inserted.

post####: error message

fadepr1000: system error: trialpost failed

Before the new depreciation transactions are inserted into deprecm and deprecd and posted to the general ledger, a trial posting is done to check the posting process. The post message describes why the process was unable to trial post a depreciation transaction. Refer to the post message in the General Error Messages section.

post####: error message

fadepr1010: unable to post record

The process has sucessfully run a trial post and inserted the new depreciation header and detail transaction records in the data files. Since the trial post was run, a new condition has occurred which prevents the records from being posted. The post message describes why the process was unable to post a depreciation transaction. Refer to the post message in the General Error Messages section.

fadepr1200: system error message

fadepr1200: I/O error updating asset file

The new depreciation header and detail transaction records have been sucessfully posted and inserted into their data files. This error occurred while the system was attempting to update the Accumulated Depreciation field in the asset file. The system message immediately preceding this error message describes why the process could not update the asset file.