29.7.1 Adding a Deduction

Adding a new deduction requires that the screen be in ADD mode to do this press the ADD button <F6>.


The cursor moves to the first entry field (the Deduction field). Now you can enter data into the fields. Not all fields require that data be entered in them. Some deductions require the Rate and Limit fields to be filled; others ignore these fields. Because of the different requirements, this form is very flexible in the information it uses. The fields that are always required are:

Deduction: Each deduction must have a unique identifier.

Flags: The flag field determines the deduction type.

Frequency: The deduction frequency is needed for conversions.

Accrued Ledger: The accrual ledger must be specified for all deductions. Normally, this field is gl.

Accrued Account: The accrual account specifies the account in the ledger to be used to collect the deduction payable amounts. This is typically a taxes payable or some such account.

When the fields have been filled with data, press the STORE button <F5>. This records the deduction as it appears on the screen. If there are no errors, the next form is displayed. If the deduction is a table deduction the nextform is for entering values into the table. If the deduction is not a table deduction, the screen is blanked and another deduction may be entered. NOTE: If a deduction is partially entered, and you want to start over with a fresh screen, the clear function, the GOLD <F1> key and the number 4 key, clears the screen and leaves the screen in ADD mode.