47.3.3 Apply Labor

Usage: applylab begin_date end_date applied_labor

The Payroll menu has been changed so that the command to apply labor is incorrect. See your system administrator.

bopen####: error message

applylab0100: cannot open [master | header | detail] file for name

The process was unable to open the file for the reason specified by the bopen message. The following table lists the files opened by this process.

Table 47 - 5

Ledger Code File Description

gj genjrnlm general journal header

gj genjrnld general journal detail

ld labor labor distribution

See the General Errors section for more information on the bopen message.

applylab0110: system error message

applylab0110: cannot set [master | header | detail] file field list for name

The process was unable to set the field list for the file for the reason specified by the system error message. Refer to Table 47-5 for a list of the files opened by this process.

applylab0120: system error message

applylab0120: cannot lock [master | header | detail] file for name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again see your system administrator. Refer to Table 47-5 for a list of files locked by this process.

post####: error message

applylab0300: cannot post general journal detail entry_id for account

The process was unable to trial post the newly created applied labor general journal detail record for the reason specified by the post error. Refer to the General Error Messages section for more information on the post error.

post####: error message

applylab0310: cannot unpost general journal detail entry_id for account

The applied labor process has been previously run for this period. The process was attempting to remove the general journal entries from the previous run, but it was unable to unpost the general journal detail record entry_id for account.

applylab0320: system error message

The applied labor process has been previously run for this period. The process was attempting to remove the general journal entries from the previous run, but it was unable to delete a general journal detail record.

applylab0330: system error message

The process was unable to add the new general journal applied labor header record to genjrnlm for the reason specified by system error message.

applylab0340: system error message

The applied labor process has been previously run for this period. The process was unable to update the applied labor general journal header record.

post####: error message

applylab0400: cannot post general journal detail entry_id for account

The process was unable to post a newly created general journal detail record entry-id for account. This record has not yet been added to the genjrnld file.

applylab0410: system error message

The process was unable to add a newly created general journal detail record to genjrnld.

post####: error message

applylab0500: cannot post general journal detail for entry-id for account

The process was unable to post the total applied labor detail record. This record has not yet been added to the genjrnld file.

applylab0510: system error message

The process was unable to add the total applied labor general journal detail record to the general journal detail file, genjrnld.

post####: error message

applylab0600: cannot post general journal detail entry_id for account

The process was unable to trial post the total applied labor record for the reason specified by the post message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for information on the post message.