47.3.6 Mark Cancelled Checks

Usage: cancelck checkmasterfile

The Payroll Payments menu has been changed so that the command to cancel checks is incorrect. See your system administrator.

bopen####: error message

cancelck0110: cannot open header file for name

The system cannot open the check header file checkm for the reason specified by the bopen message. Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.

cancelck0120: system error message

cancelck0120: cannot set header file field list for name

The field list cannot be set for the check header file, checkm for the reason specified by system error message.

cancelck0610: TERM not set

The environmental variable TERM is not set. It can be set by the following command:


export TERM

cancelck0620: invalid TERM parameter

The terminal named by the environment variable TERM is not one recognized by the C/Base system. See C/Base Reference Manual Chapter 11, Creating Terminal Definitions for more information.

cancelck0630: unable to establish dialog area

The process is not able to display the input parameter screen. See your system administrator.

0700: Warning: check check no not found

The system could not find the check no in the check header file, checkm. The process will continue to cancel the rest of the checks specified.

0710: Warning: check check no not in bank bank

This check is from another bank. The process will continue to cancel the rest of the checks specified. When it is finished you may enter a different bank account and a new set of checks.

0720: Warning: check check no previously cancelled on date

This check has already been cancelled. The process will not cancel the check again. If you wish to update the cancelled date on this check, you may do so through either the Manual pay checks choice or the Payroll checks choice on the Payroll Payments menu.

0730: system error message

0730: Check check no not cancelled

The process was unable to lock the check record for the reason specified by system error message. The system error message is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

0740: system error message

0740: Check check no not cancelled

The process was unable to re-read the check record after locking it for the reason specified by system error message. The system error message is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

0750: system error message

0750: Check check no not cancelled

The process was unable to update the check record with the cancelled date for the reason specified by system error message. The system error message is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

0800: first check number > last check number

The last check number entered for the range of checks to be cancelled must be numerically larger than the first check number entered for the range.

0810: End of check number sequence: check no

The system cannot increment check no. Enter a new range of check numbers.