fcountry - establish Country format structure



int fcountry (country)
char *country;


Fcountry establishes a formatting set. When a program starts, the
formatting for U.S.A. is already established. This function
allows the formatting set to be changed (see NOTES).

Country is a string containing the desired format set name, or,
if country is an empty string or a NULL pointer, the current
setting of the environment string COUNTRY is used. If COUNTRY is
not defined, fcountry returns an error (see DIAGNOSTICS).

The value of country or the environment string COUNTRY can be the
name of either an internal format set (using international phone
number conventions) or an external format set (naming a country:
"usa", "italy", etc.). If the selected country value is invalid
(no format set exists for the named value), an error is returned
and the last valid internal format set is used.

This function can be called several times but after the first
call no additional work is done unless the country name actually


C/Base Reference Manual Chapter 13, "Formatting Data Values"


Fcountry returns a negative value on error. If the named country
is not defined, FNOENTRY is returned and the last established
internal formatting set are used for formatting parameters. The
error names are defined in .


Before the first formatting function is started, an implicit call
is made to this function. This function is provided to allow the
calling program to check the setting of COUNTRY and print an
error if so desired. Otherwise, errors are silently ignored and
the U.S.A. format set remains in use.