pull - pull records from an RMSfile


pull [-afdlmr] datafile [datafields] [selectionfields ]


Pull reads the specified RMSfile and produces on the standard output
one text line for each selected record. Each output line is made up
of fields separated by carets (^), followed by the record number in the
RMSfile. A field in a data record is output only if it is listed as
one of the datafield arguments in the command line. An output line is
generated only if the data values in the record fall within the bounds
specified by the selectionfield arguments.

A datafield argument specifies a field name within the RMSfile. A value
is output onto the standard output file for each datafield listed in the
order the datafields are listed.

A selectionfield argument has one of the following forms:

"fieldname>value" greater than
"fieldname>=value" greater than or equal to
"fieldname=value" equal
"fieldname<>value" not equal to
"fieldname<=value" less than or equal to
"fieldname<=value" less than

Only records that have values within the bounds specified will generate
output lines. The value part of a selectionfield may be missing in
which case the selectionfield is ignored. If there are several
selectionfields, the record is output only if it meets all the
selectionfield conditions. Selectionfields do not cause an output
field to be generated. If the field is to be listed, it must also be
listed as a datafield. Each selectionfield should be enclosed in
quotes to prevent the shell from interpreting the > and < symbols.

If the -a flag is specified, then all of the fields in the RMSfile are
pulled, and any datafields on the command line are ignored.

If the -f flag is specified, then the first line output contains the
list of datafield names that are being output. Each datafield name is
separated from the next by a caret in the same manner the datafield
values are separated.

If the -d flag is used, DATE and TIME fields are output as decimal
numbers with a value equivalent to the internal representation of the
field. Normally, DATE and TIME fields are output in their standard
format, i.e., dates are output as MM/DD/YY and times are output as
HH:MM:SS. If the -d flag is used, date fields are not output in
MM/DD/YY format, but instead are output in long integer format giving
the number of days from January 1, 1800. This allows programs such as
csort(C-1) to sort date fields in date order. put(C-1) converts such
fields back into their proper internal representation automatically.

The -m flag instructs pull to output the data records in a ASCII text
format suitable to Multiplan. Pull generates the output in symbolic
link format (SYLK), and this can be loaded directly by Multiplan.
When the result of the -m flag is loaded by Multiplan, the first
spreadsheet row contains each datafield name, one per column. Each
following row has one of the selected data records, with each data
field listed under its respective field name.

The -l flag instructs pull to output the data records in a ASCII text
format suitable to Lotus 1-2-3. Pull generates the output in printed
text form and this can be loaded directly by Lotus 123 using their
File Import command. When the result of the -l flag is loaded by Lotus
123, the first spreadsheet row contains each datafield name, one per
column. Each following row has one of the selected data records, with
each data field listed under its respective field name.

If the -r flag is used, the record numbers are stripped from the output.

The MS-DOS system has a great number of utilities that operate on lines
of ASCII text. Pull and put(C-1) are intended for converting a data
file to text lines, manipulating the text lines with MS-DOS utilities
and then possibly restoring the data records again.

Pull and put can also be used for transferring data to and from other
computer systems.


put(C-1), csort(C-1), npull(C-1).

C/Base Utilities Manual Chapter 6, Transferring C/Base Applications.