4.4 Field Descriptions


Enter the quantity ordered in this field. Since this is a field of type real, fractional quantities may be entered. Input to this field is required.

Product Code

Enter a product code identifying a product in the Inventory master file in this field. If a record matching the product code entered does not exist in the Inventory master file, this order record cannot be stored. Products are entered in the Inventory master file using the Inventory Products selection on the Select, Inventory Menu of the Inventory Control System.

This field cannot be updated once the order has been either partially or completely filled.

This is an entry required field, so valid data must be entered here before the record can be stored. If you are having trouble finding a valid product code, a second screen, Query Inventory Product, is provided for searching the Inventory master file. The screen is displayed by pressing the GOLD <F1> key and then the V (Validate) key. This allows you to QUERY <F2> and FIND <F3> the desired product. After the product has been found, pressing the GOLD <F1> key and then the E key returns you to the order screen with the product filled in.

Note: The Query Inventory Product screen displays the field Units Available. This field represents the units in inventory not yet ordered, shipped, or billed. When you enter the update mode, the units in the current detail line are no longer considered "ordered". Therefore, the Units Available field on the Query Inventory Product screen includes the units from the current detail line when you are in the update mode.


If nothing is entered in this field and the RETURN key is pressed to exit the field, the description of the product from the Inventory master file is displayed. This description may be overridden by typing something else over it. Also, if anything is entered in the field, the default description is not displayed when leaving the field. Input to this field is optional.


This field identifies whether or not the item is taxable. Enter y for yes or n for no. If nothing is entered in the field and the RETURN key used to exit the field, the default tax status from the Inventory master file is entered. Input to this field is required.


This field contains the sale price per unit for the product. Pressing the RETURN key displays the default selling price from the Inventory master file. This price can be overridden by typing in another selling price. The ability to change the default entry may be useful, for example, if there is a flawed item and the price needs to reduced for that one item only.

The Order Entry System also uses multi-level pricing structures. If the Inventory master file has a pricing structure established for the product code entered, the default price for the particular entry is displayed. NOTE: the default price is only displayed if the Each field is empty and you press the RETURN key. Input to this field is required.

Line Total

The extended total of each detail line is displayed here. The total is formed by multiplying the Quanty field by the Each field. The Line Total field is display only, which means that the information in it cannot be changed by the user.

When adding new detail lines, pressing the STORE <F5> button displays another blank detail line and the system remains in ADD mode. When updating a detail line item, pressing the STORE <F5> button records the changes made to the record and exits the UPDATE mode; leaving the current record displayed. When deleting a detail line item, press the DELETE button or press the delete sequence, GOLD <F1> key and then the D, a blank detail line is appended to the screen.