4.6 Field Descriptions

Taxable Total

The sum of the detail lines with y in the Tax column is displayed in this field. This total includes customer discounting for the discountable line items. Because this is a display only field, the information in it cannot be changed by the user.

Total Items

This field is the sum of all the line items on the detail screen. This total reflects the total amount of the line items before customer discounting and taxes. Since this amount is automatically calculated by the Order Entry System, the user cannot change the value.

Sales Tax Locality

Enter the code for a tax locality in this field. The code entered must be one that was previously entered in the Sales Tax master file. For information on entering these tax codes, see the C/Books General Ledger Manual Chapter 16, Accounting System Setup.

If a Default Sales Tax code has been entered in the customer master file for the customer on this order, it is the default for this field (leave the field blank and press the RETURN key).

Type in the code, and then press the RETURN key twice. The tax percentage for the locality code entered is displayed. This amount can be manually changed or even set to zero if no tax is appropriate.

The system calculates the total tax by multiplying the taxable amount by the percentage. The calculated amount may not be changed by the user.

If you are having trouble finding a valid sales tax locality code, a second screen is provided for searching the Sales Tax master file. The screen is displayed by pressing the GOLD <F1> key and then the V (Validate) key. This allows you to QUERY <F2> and FIND <F3> the desired sales tax locality. After the sales tax locality has been found, pressing the GOLD <F1> key and then the E key returns you to the order screen with the sales tax locality code filled in.

Input to this field is required if there is an entry in the Tax Rate field.

Customer Discount

This is the total trade discount amount for the products entered on the detail screen marked as discountable. A product is discountable if the Discount? field in the product master file for the Product is set to yes.

Tax Rate

After the Sales Tax Locality code is entered, press the RETURN key to display the tax rate previously set up for the locality code. The tax rate can be manually changed or it can be set to zero if no tax is appropriate. Once the tax rate is entered the system multiplies it by the total tax amount to compute the Sales Tax.

Sales Tax

This is the amount of the sales tax due. The system computes this by multiplying the value in the Taxable Total field by the value in the Tax Rate field.

Total Amount Ordered

This is the total amount of the order. It is the sum of the detail lines less any customer discount plus sales tax.

Pay Terms

The pay terms entered here must have been previously entered into the pay terms file. The pay terms file may be examined through the validation screen associated with this field.

If pay terms have been entered in the customer master file for the customer on this order, they become the default for this field (leave the field blank and press the RETURN key).

The terms entered here are used to calculate the values for the Rate, Disc. Amount, and Disc. Period days fields.


This is the discount rate for the timely payment of the invoice resulting from this order. The value displayed here is the discount rate associated with the value entered in the Pay Terms field.

Disc. Amount

This field displays the discount allowed for timely payment on the invoice resulting from this order. The value displayed here is the result of multiplying the value in the Rate field by the value in the Total Amount Ordered field.

Disc. Period days

This field displays the amount of time for the discount period. Since the actual invoice date is unknown at the time of order creation, a time period in days is given for the discount period. When the invoice is created for this order, the invoice date plus the discount period becomes the discount date. The value displayed in this field is derived from the value entered in Pay Terms field.

Disc. Account

Enter here the general ledger account used to expense discounts given. This account must have been previously entered into the general ledger master file. The general ledger master file may be examined through the validation form associated with this field.

If a discount account has been entered in the customer master file for the customer on this order, it becomes the default value for this field (leave the field blank and press the RETURN key).

Input to this field is required if the value in the Disc Amount field is greater than zero.