15.1 How to Find Error Messages

The error messages you may encounter while running the Order Entry system are documented in this chapter. Most errors are made up of a label and a message. The label may be either a number or a series of characters followed by a number. When a label has a series of characters preceding the number, these characters represent the program in which the error occurred. The numeric part of the label uniquely locates the error in the program. For example, in the error message

fillord0300: end of slip number sequence

the label is fillord0300. Fillord represents the program that creates fills sales orders, fillord. The following table lists the error message labels and the programs associated with each label.

Table 15 - 1: Error Message Labels

Label Program Description

bopen bopen library function, open files

comit commit library function to update inventory commitments

delord delord process to delete old filled orders

delpack delpack process to delete old packing slips

fillord fillord process to fill sales orders

lgr ledger library function, accesses ledger file

markship markship process to ship orders

mklist postlist library function, user_edit that runs trial post

mstr mstredit library function, user_edit for master records

onordr onorder library function to update inventory orders

post post library function, posting routines

reqfld reqfld library function, checks required form fields

unbill unbill process to reverse billing on an order

unship unship process to reverse shipment on an order

valf valform library function, validation routine

The error messages are grouped by data entry screens and processes. Most of the data entry screen labels do not contain characters and are listed numerically. Although most process labels are made up of characters representing the process followed by numbers, labels for errors related to user input are usually made up of just numbers. Errors for each process are grouped together and are listed numerically.

Error messages not preceded by labels appear at the beginning of their sections. Error messages that can occur in more than one area of the system, are listed in the group titled, General Error Messages. These messages are listed alphabetically and numerically.

Some error messages in the Processes section are preceded by a system error message or a message listed in the General Error Messages section. These messages provide more detailed information as shown below.

bopen####: error message

fillord0100: cannot open [header | master | detail] file for name

The message labeled bopen describes why the file cannot be opened. The bopen message is listed in the General Error Messages section. The other type of double error message is an error message that is preceded by a system error message.

fillord0110: system error message

fillord0110: cannot set [master | header | detail] file field list for name

The system error message specifies why the field list cannot be set for the file.

Many of the error messages, make reference to name, ledger, or ledger code. Every file within the C/Books accounting system is associated with a ledger code and is described by a name. These codes along with their associated files and descriptive names are listed in the Accounting Files section.

To look up an error message, first locate the group where the message occurred. For example, if you encounter an error entering an order on the Order Entry data entry screen, you would first look under the section titled, Data Entry Screens and within that section the sub-section Order Entry. If you cannot find the error message there, look for the message in the General Error Messages section.

If you need to call our support line in order to resolve a problem, be sure to give the support person the labels associated with any error messages you have encountered.