15.3.1 Fill Orders

Usage: fillord first slip_number

The Order Entry menu has been changed so that the command to fill orders is no longer correct. See your system administrator.

bopen####: error message

fillord0100: cannot open [header | master | detail] file for name

The process was unable to open the file for the reason specified by the bopen message. The following table lists the files opened by this process.

Table 15 - 4

Ledger Code File Description

sj invoicem invoice header

in product inventory product master

oe orderh order header

oe orderd order detail

pl packh packing slip header

pl packd packing slip detail

See the General Errors section for more information on the bopen message.

fillord0110: system error message

fillord0110: cannot set [header | master | detail] file field list for name

The process was unable to set the field list for the file for the reason specified by the system error message. Refer to Table 15-4 for a list of the files used by this process.

fillord0120: system error message

fillord0120: cannot lock [header | master | detail] file for name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again see your system administrator. Refer to Table 15- 4 for a list of files locked by this process.

fillord0200: system error message

fillord0200: Product product not in inventory

The process was unable to find product in the inventory master file product, for the reason given by system error message. The process was attempting to create a packing slip detail record for product. The order header record has not been updated at this time, although other packing slip detail records may have been successfully created for the current order. A header record has not yet been created for the packing slip.

fillord0300: End of slip number sequence

The process has run out of numbers it can assign to packing slips. It can no longer increment the first packing slip number it was given at the beginning of the process. Re-run the process with a new starting slip number. Remember that the process will not assign a number to a packing slip that is already in use in the invoice file.

fillord0310: End of slip number sequence

The process has run out of numbers it can assign to packing slips. It can no longer increment the first packing slip number it was given at the beginning of the process. Re-run the process with a new starting slip number. Remember that the process will not assign a number to a packing slip that is already in use in the packing slip file.

fillord0400: No record number in input

There is a record number missing from the pull output from the order header file. The process uses this data to create the packing slips. See your system administrator.

fillord0410: Not a valid record number: recno

The pull output from the order header file that the process uses to create packing slips has an invalid record number. See your system administrator.

fillord0420: system error message

fillord0420: Not an active order record number: recno

The process was unable to read record number recno in the order header file, orderh for the reason specified by system error message.