15.3.3 Billed Shipped Orders

Packing Slip packslip not billed: filled in a closed period

The date on which packslip was shipped is now in a closed period so an invoice cannot be created for it. Either re-open the closed period or, unship packslip and re-ship it in the current period.

Packing Slip packslip not billed: invoice invoice already exists

This process creates an invoice with an invoice number that matches the packing slip number. An invoice already exists with the same number as the packing slip. Either delete the invoice and re-enter it with another invoice number or, delete the packing slip and re-enter it with another packing slip number.

Packing Slip packslip not billed: order order is not on file

The process cannot find the order in the order header file, orderh.

Packing Slip packslip not billed: customer not in ar master file

The process is unable to find customer in the customer master file, customer.

Packing Slip packslip not billed: order order has undefined pay terms terms

The pay terms terms entered for order has not been entered in the payment terms file, terms.

Packing Slip line item, sequence# not billed line item, sequence# for order order not in order detail file.

The process was unable to find sequence# line item for order in the order detail file, orderd. This line item will not appear on the invoice.

Slip packslip sequence# not billed, product not in product file.

Line item sequence# for packslip will not appear on the invoice because the process was unable to find product in the inventory master file, product.

Unable to add invoice: packslip sequence#

The process was unable to add an invoice detail record for packslip sequence to the invoice detail file invoiced.

Unable to decrease committed field in product product

The process has just created a invoice detail line item for product. It failed to update the committed field in the product master file for product.

Unable to insert invoice invoice into invoice file.

The process was unable to add invoice to the invoice header file, invoicem.

Unable to update orders field for customer.

The process was unable to decrease the orders field in the customer master file by the amount of the new invoice.

Unable to update billing date in packing slip packslip

The packing slip packslip has not been marked as billed.

Usage: posttrx [-a] [-y year] [-p period] journalcode

The Order Entry menu has been changed so the command to post the newly created invoices is incorrect. See your System Administrator.

bopen####: error message

posttrx0110: cannot open [header | detail] file for file

The last part of this process posts the newly created invoices. The process is unable to open one of the sales journal files for the reason described by error message. Refer to bopen in the General Error Messages section.

posttrx0120: system error message

posttrx0120: cannot set [header | detail] file field list for file

The last part of this process posts the newly created invoices. The field list for one of the sales journal files cannot be set for the reason specified by system error message.

posttrx0130: system error message

posttrx0130: cannot lock [header | detail] file for file

The last part of this process posts the newly created invoices. The system error message gives the reason why the system cannot lock one of the sales journal files.

posttrx0400: System error. journal is out of balance

posttrx0400: After fixing the posting problem, run:

posttrx0400: posttrx journal code

posttrx0400: to rebalance the journal.

The sales journal is out of balance because the posting process did not successfully complete. See your System Administrator.

posttrx0500: unknown option argument

The Order Entry menu has been changed so the command to post the newly created invoices is incorrect. See your System Administrator.

lgr####: error message

posttrx0530: No such journal code

The the sales journal code is not in the ledger file. Enter it through the menu choice Accounting System Journals on the Select, System Set Up menu. Refer to Table 15-10 in the Accounting Files section to obtain the ledger code and file names for the Sales journal.

post####: error message

posttrx0600: System error. Could not post record in journal

This error occurred while the process was trial posting an invoice header record. Refer to the post error in the General Error Messages section for more information on the posting problem.

post####: error message

posttrx0610: System error. Could not post record in journal

This error occurred while the process was trial posting an invoice detail record. Refer to the post error in the General Error Messages section for more information on the posting problem.

posttrx0620: System error. transaction in journal is out of balance by amount

The process has just run a trial post on transaction in the Sales journal and has found that it is out of balance by amount. This means that the amount in the header portion of transaction is not equal to the sum of the transaction detail records.

post####: error message

posttrx0700: System error. Could not post transaction in journal

This error occurred while the process was trying to post the detail portion of transaction in the sales journal detail file, invoiced. The header portion of transaction has not been posted yet. The post message describes the problem it encountered. Refer to this message in the General Error Messages section. The process will wait for 10 seconds and then try again to post the transaction. It will continue this procedure until it has either successfully posted the transaction or the process is interrupted. (If the process is interrupted, the posttrx0400 message is displayed).

post####: error message

posttrx0710: System error. Could not post record in journal

This error occurred while the process was trying to post the header portion of transaction in the sales journal header file, invoicem. The detail portion of transaction has been posted. The post message describes the problem it encountered. Refer to this message in the General Error Messages section. The process will wait for 10 seconds and then try again to post the transaction. It will continue this procedure until it has either successfully posted the transaction or the process is interrupted. (If the process is interrupted, the posttrx0400 message is displayed).