15.3.5 Delete Old Packing Slips

Usage: delpack deletedate

The Order Entry menu has been changed so that the command to run this process is incorrect. See your system administrator.

bopen####: error message

delpack0100: cannot open [header | detail] file for name

The process was unable to open the file for the reason specified by the bopen message. The following table lists the files opened by this process.

Table 15 - 7

Ledger Code File Description

pl packh packing slip header

pl packd packing slip detail

oe orderh order header

oe orderd order detail

See the General Errors section for more information on the bopen message.

delpack0110: system error message

delpack0110: cannot set [header | detail] file field list for name

The process was unable to set the field list for the file for the reason specified by the system error message. Refer to Table 15-7 for a list of the files used by this process.

delpack0120: system error message

delpack0120: cannot lock [header | detail] file for name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again see your system administrator. Refer to Table 15-7 for a list of files locked by this process.

delpack0200: date is an invalid deletion date

The cutoff date entered date is not in valid date format.

delpack0300: Waiting to lock order entry detail

This message is in error. When this message appears, the process is waiting to lock the order entry header file, orderh. The system will pause 10 seconds and then attempt to unlock the file again. It will continue this process until it either unlocks the file or the process is interrupted.

At this time one or more packing slips have been deleted and the process is preparing to update the links field in orderh.

delpack0400: Waiting to lock order entry detail

When this message appears, the process is waiting to lock the order entry detail file, orderd. The system will pause 10 seconds and then attempt to unlock the file again. It will continue this process until it either unlocks the file or the process is interrupted.

At this time the process has just deleted a packing slip detail record. It is now preparing to decrease the links field in the orderd file. The header record for the packing slip has not been deleted and the links field in the orderh file has not been decreased.