15.3.7 Un-bill a Packing Slip

Usage: unbill

The Order Entry menu has been changed so that the command to un-bill a packing slip is no longer correct. See your system administrator.

bopen####: error message

unbill0100: cannot open [header | master | detail] file for name

The process was unable to open the file for the reason specified by the bopen message. The following table lists the files opened by this process.

Table 15 - 9

Ledger Code File Description

ar customer customer master

in product inventory product master

pl packh packing slip header

sj invoicem invoice header

sj invoiced invoice detail

See the General Errors section for more information on the bopen message.

unbill0110: system error message

unbill0110: cannot set [header | master | detail] file field list for name

The process was unable to set the field list for the file for the reason specified by the system error message. Refer to Table 15-9 for a list of the files used by this process.

unbill0210: TERM not set

The environmental variable TERM is not set. It can be set by the following command:


export TERM

unbill0220: invalid TERM parameter

The terminal named by the environment variable TERM is not defined in either the \cbase\lib\cbase\escape directory.

unbill0230: unable to establish dialog area

The process is not able to display the input parameter screen. See your system administrator.

post####: error message

0310: cannot unpost invoice header invoice

The process is unable to unpost the invoice header invoice for the reason specified by the post error message. Refer to the General Errors section for more information on the post error. Packing slip invoice is still marked as billed.

0210: system error message

0320: cannot delete invoice header invoice

The process was unable to delete the invoice invoice from the invoice header file, invoicem. The invoice invoice has been unposted and the customer record has been updated. The invoice detail is still posted and the inventory product file has not been updated. The packing slip is still marked as billed.

post####: error message

0330: cannot unpost invoice detail invoice

The process was unable to unpost the invoice detail record invoice for the reason specified by the post error. See the General Errors section for more information on the post error. At this time the invoice header record has been unposted and deleted. The customer master record has been updated. The inventory master has not been updated and the packing slip is still marked as billed.

0340: system error message

0340: cannot delete invoice detail invoice

The process was unable to delete the invoice invoice from the invoice detail file for the reason specified by system error message. At this time the invoice header record has been unposted and deleted. The orders field in the customer master record has been updated. The invoice detail record has been unposted. The inventory product record has not been updated and the packing slip is still marked as billed.

0410: system error message

0410: cannot find product product in inventory file

The process was preparing to update the committed field for product in the inventory product master file. It was unable to find product in the inventory master file, product, for the reason specified by system error message. At this time the invoice detail record for product has been unposted but not deleted. The invoice header has been unposted and deleted. The customer master has been updated. The packing slip is still marked as billed.

0510: system error message

0510: cannot find customer customer in customer file

The system was preparing to update the orders field in the customer master. It was unable to find customer in the customer master file, customer, for the reason specified by system error message. The invoice header record has been unposted but not deleted. The invoice detail records have been neither unposted nor deleted. The inventory product master file has not been updated and the packing slip is still marked as billed.

0610: system error message

0610: cannot lock header file for name

The process was unable to lock the packing slip header file, packh, for the reason specified by system error message.

0620: system error message

0620: cannot lock master file for name

The process was unable to lock the customer master file, customer, for the reason specified by system error message.

0630: system error message

0630: cannot lock header file for name

The process was unable to lock the invoice header file, invoicem, for the reason specified by system error message.

0640: system error message

0640: cannot lock detail file for name

The process was unable to lock the invoice detail file, invoiced for the reason specified by system error message.

0650: system error message

0650: cannot lock master file for name

The process was unable to lock the inventory product master file, product for the reason specified by system error message.

0710: cannot find packing slip

The process was unable to find the packing slip entered in the packing slip header file.

0720: packing slip is not billed

The packing slip entered is not marked as billed.

0730: cannot find invoice invoice in invoice file

Invoice record invoice cannot be found in the invoice header file, invoicem.

0740: there are references to invoice invoice

The links field for invoice in the invoice header file invoicem is not zero. There transactions referencing this invoice so it cannot be removed. Check the payments file.

0750: cannot find customer customer in customer file

The process is unable to find customer in the customer master file, customer.