20.2 Field Descriptions


The year must be entered here using four digits, i.e., 1983. This year does not have to be the current year.


This is the product code of the inventory product. It must be entered in order to access a particular inventory product. The code entered here is checked to be sure it is a valid inventory product code.

If you cannot remember the product code you wish to examine, a second screen is provided that accesses the Inventory Product master file. The screen is displayed by pressing the validate key sequence, GOLD <F1> key and then the V key. This allows you to QUERY and FIND the desired product. After the desired product has been found, press the GOLD <F1> key and then the E key to redisplay the Inventory Balances screen with the product filled in.


This is the descriptive name of the inventory product. It is displayed immediately after the inventory product code is entered.


There is a Units field for each period. The periods go from one to twelve and read from left to right across the page. These are display only fields and cannot be changed.


There is an Amount field for each period. The periods go from one to twelve and read from left to right across the page. These are display only fields and cannot be changed. The amount is calculated in terms of cost.
