23.1 Introduction

This process frees up disk space by removing old inventory balance records. These are the records that are created and updated during the Trial Close process. They are accessed from the Inventory Product Balances screen.

The process removes from the system all inventory balances records for the year specified. It does not allow you to remove any records from the current year nor any records from any years later than the current year.

Once the inventory product balance records have been removed for a given year, you can no longer access any of the period-end inventory balances for that year. Also keep in mind that the balances from the last period of the previous year are used in calculating the balances for the first period of the current year. Therefore, you should not delete the previous years balances until you have closed the first period of the current year and you are sure you will not be reopening it. The process does not allow you to delete the balances records for a year if the first period of the next year is open.

This process should be run with the utmost caution.