24.2 Report Descriptions

Price List


This report is listed by product category. If you want to list all products, just leave the product category fields blank.

The inventory code and descriptive name are listed along with the selling price of each inventory item.

Inventory Master List


This report is listed by product category. If you want to list all products, just leave the product category fields blank. The following fields are included on this report:

product code

descriptive name

number of units

average cost per unit

total unit cost

margin percentage

reorder point

reorder quantity

tax status

discount status

commission status

Reorder Report


This report is listed by product category. If you want to list all products, just leave the product category fields blank.

This is a listing of items that need reordering and should be run before any reordering is done. Items are listed on this report if: 1) the quantity on hand amount is less than or equal to the reorder point amount, 2) the quantity on hand amount is less than or equal to the outstanding orders amount, or 3) the quantity on hand amount is less than or equal to the sum of the outstanding orders and committed amounts. The inventory items are grouped by category. The fields listed for each item include:

product code

descriptive name

cost per unit

order quantity

units left in inventory

reorder point

outstanding orders


Inventory Activity


This report is listed by product category. If you want to list all products, just leave the product category fields blank. Since this report contains information relating to a specific accounting period, you must enter values into the period and year fields.

Along with the product code and descriptive name, this report lists the purchases and sales in terms of units and cost for the period. It also lists the units and cost amount beginning and ending balances as well as totals for each category, and grand totals for the entire inventory listed.

Inventory Adjustment Report


Inventory adjustment transactions can be selected by date and/or entry id code. If you want to list all inventory adjustment transactions leave these fields blank. The following information for each transaction is displayed on the report.

ledger or journal

account or product code

debit or credit units
