35.1.2 Freight Charges in Packing Slip

Suppose the packing slip you receive lists the freight charges. Given these amounts, you can enter the freight charges on the receiving slip detail screen. If you use the automated process to create the receiving slip, any freight charges entered in the detail of the purchase order are carried forward to the receiving slip. However, we are assuming that freight charges were unknown at the time of the purchase order, so the freight amounts on the receiving slip will be zero.

To add freight charges to the receiving slip detail, the receiving slip header must first be queried as shown below.


Then, after switching to the detail screen, the receiving slip detail for the item being charged must be queried.


Now the detail can be updated to reflect the known freight charges (see the Freight field in the picture below).


After storing the new freight charges, other detail items can be changed to reflect their freight charges. When done, the total portion of the receiving slip must be updated to reflect the new total amount received.