37.3.1 Make Purchase Order List

Usage: polist

The purchase order menu has been changed so the command to make the purchase order list is incorrect. See your system administrator.

bopen####: error message

polist0100: cannot open [master | detail] file for name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. The table below lists the files this process must open.

Table 37 - 3

File Name

pod purchase order detail file

product inventory product master file

cost vendor prices master file

polist purchase order list master file

Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.

polist0110: system error message

polist0110: cannot set [master | detail] file field list for name

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error message. Refer to Table 37 - 3 above for the list of files used in this process.

polist0120: system error message

polist0120: cannot lock for insertions [master | detail] file for name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. Refer to Table 37 - 3 for the list of files locked by this process.

polist0200: system error message

polist0200: cannot open dictionary for purchase order detail file

The system cannot access the dictionary for the purchase order detail file pod for the reason specified by system error message. This error is not recoverable by the user. See your system administrator.

polist0210: no index for product in purchase order detail file

The secondary index, product, has been removed from the purchase order detail file pod. Make sure the index is in the definition file and then convert the data file.

polist0220: system error message

polist0220: cannot open dictionary for vendor prices master file

The system cannot access the dictionary for the vendor prices file cost for the reason specified by system error message. This error is not recoverable by the user. See your system administrator.

polist0230: no index for product in vendor prices master file

The secondary index, product, has been removed from the cost file. Make sure the index is in the definition file and then convert the data file.

polist0300: system error message

polist0300: cannot insert record into purchase order list file

The system was unable to insert a discounted product order into the purchase order list file polist, for the reason given by the system error message.

polist0400: system error message

polist0400: cannot insert record into purchase order list file

The system was unable to insert a product order into the purchase order list file, polist, for the reason given by the system error message.

polist0500: system error message

polist0500: cannot insert record into purchase order list file

The system was unable to insert a product order into the purchase order list file, polist, for the reason given by the system error message.