37.5.2 Voucher Receiving Slips

Usage: voucher

The Receiving menu has been changed so that the command to voucher receiving slips is incorrect. See your system administrator.

voucher0110: TERM not set ... Only applies to UNIX and DOS systems.

The environmental variable TERM is not set. It can be set by the following command:


export TERM

voucher0120: invalid TERM parameter

The terminal named by the environment variable TERM is not defined in either the \cbase\lib\cbase\escape directory.

voucher0130: unable to establish dialog area

The process is not able to display the input parameter screen. See your system administrator.

voucher0210: system error message

voucher0210: Cannot open dictionary for name [header | detail] file

The system cannot access the dictionary for the data file for the reason specified by system error message. This is not a user recoverable error. See your system administrator.

bopen####: error message

voucher0310: cannot open [master | header | detail] file for name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen error. The table below lists the files this process must open.

Table 37 - 8

File Name

poh purchase order header file

pod purchase order detail file

recvh receiving slip header file

voucherm voucher header file

voucherd voucher detail file

vendor vendor master file

terms payment terms master file

Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.

voucher0320: system error message

voucher0320: cannot set [master | header | detail] file field list for name

The field list cannot be set for the file for the reason specified by system error message. Refer to Table 37 - 8 above for the list of files used in this process.

voucher0330: system error message

voucher0330: cannot lock for insertions [master | header | detail] file for name

The file is being used by another user. Wait a little while and then try again. If this message is displayed again, see your system administrator. Refer to Table 37 - 8 for the list of files locked by this process.

voucher0410: no index for order, freight in purchase order detail file.

The secondary index made up of the fields order and freight is missing from the purchase order detail file, pod. Make sure this index is in the file definition file and then convert the data file.

voucher0420: no index for order in receiving slip header file

The secondary index, order is missing from the receiving slip header file, recvh. Make sure this index is in the file definition file and then convert the data file.

0510: vendor vendor is not in vendor master file

0510: system error message

0510: cannot delete detail record for voucher voucher

Process was unable to find vendor for voucher in the vendor master file, and so it tried to delete the detail line items it had already created for the voucher. The delete function has failed. There are now unposted voucher detail records with no associated voucher header record. Use form to remove detail records for voucher . Then re-enter vendor into the vendor master file and re-run the process.

0610: system error message

0610: vendor vendor is not in vendor master file

The system is unable to find vendor in the vendor master file vendor, for the reason specified by system error message. The process cannot create a voucher for this vendor while this problem persists. If necessary, re-enter vendor into the vendor master file through menu selection Vendors on the Select, Accounts Payable menu. Re-run the process when the vendor is accessible.

0620: voucher voucher has pay term code, payterms, not in payment terms file

Since payterms is not in the payment terms file, the discount amount, paydate, and discount date cannot be calculated for voucher. Enter payterms into the payment terms file and then manually edit voucher, using menu choice Payable Vouchers on the Data Entry, Accounts Payable menu. Once voucher is displayed on the screen, put the screen in UPDATE mode. Move the cursor to each of the missing fields (Pay Terms, Disc Date, Disc GL Acct, and Pay Date) and press the RETURN key in each field to display the default value.

0710: purchase order has already been vouchered

A voucher has already been created for this purchase order.

0720: no memory left for purchase order list

There is not enough space to keep track of any more purchase orders. Re-run process starting with the last purchase order.

0810: end of voucher number sequence: voucher#

The system cannot increment voucher#. Enter another starting voucher number.

0820: purchase order purchase order is not in purchase order file

The purchase order purchase order is not in the purchase order header file, poh. Check for typing errors.