37.6 Vouchers Screen

The following error messages may be encountered while accessing the menu selection, Enter Vouchers.

0100: form form name requires field

The field field has been removed from screen form name. Voform cannot work properly without this field on the screen.

bopen#### error message

0200: cannot open master file for name

The system cannot open the file for the reason specified by the bopen message. The two files that are opened are the payment terms file, terms, and the general ledger file, glacct. Refer to the General Error Messages section for further information on the bopen message.

0210: system error message

0210: cannot set master file field list for name

The system could not set the field list for file for the reason specified by system error message. The two files that are opened are the payment terms file, terms, and the general ledger file, glacct.

0300: not a valid General Ledger account number

The account entered in this field must have been previously entered into the general ledger account file, glacct. General ledger accounts are entered into the system through the menu selection General Ledger accounts on the General Ledger Menu.

0400: not a valid payment terms code

The code entered here must have been previously entered into the payment terms file, terms. Payment terms may be entered into the system through the menu selection Payment Terms on the Select, Accounts Payable menu.

0500: you must enter discount date

Since this voucher qualifies for a discount (there is an amount in the discount amount field) a discount date must be entered.

0510: you must enter a discount account

Since this voucher qualifies for a discount (there is an amount in the discount amount field) a discount account from the general ledger file must be entered.