37.8 Accounting Files

Every file in the C/Books accounting system must be entered into the ledger file. Each file is categorized as either a ledger file, journal file, or a system file. All these files can be entered into ledger from the Select, System Set Up menu, using menu choices: Accounting System Ledgers, Accounting System Journals, or Accounting System Files. The table below lists the files accessed by the Purchase Order system.

Table 37 - 10

Code Type Name Master Detail

ap ledger AP Vendors vendor

ca system Company Addresses locality

gc system GL Closing Dates closedat

gl ledger General Ledger glacct

ia journal Inventory Adjustments intrxm intrxd

in ledger Inventory product

ip system Inventory Prices price

is system Inventory Sales sales

lg system System Ledger File ledger

od system Purchase Orders podetail

pi system Purchase Order List polist

pj journal Accounts Payable Journal voucherm voucherd

po system Purchase Orders poh pod

rs journal Receiving Slips recvh recvd

sd system Receiving Slips rvdetail

sm system System Masthead masthead

sp system System Security permit

tm system Payment Terms terms

tx ledger Sales Tax salestax

uo system Unfilled Orders orders

vd system Vendor Addresses veaddrs

vp system Vendor Prices cost