42.2.2 Detail Screen

The detail screen allows entry and display of the line item values for a particular purchase order. Before attempting to enter or display line items, there must be a purchase order displayed on the header screen. All values displayed on this screen relate to the purchase order displayed on the header screen. A picture of this screen is shown below.


This screen is appended to the header screen. The header screen is "frozen", and successive detail screens scroll underneath. A description of the fields in this screen follows.


required, validated

The product code entered must be in the inventory product master file. You may examine the inventory product master file through the validation screen associated with this field.

If the amount shown in the Units Received field is non-zero, one or more shipments have been received for this item, and this field can't be changed.

Input to this field is required.


optional, default from inventory master

Enter the description for the product. If you wish to enter the description for the product in the inventory product master file, press RETURN while the field is blank. This description is displayed on reports and on the printed purchase order form sent to the vendor.

Input to this field is optional.



Enter the number of units of product you wish to order. When changing this field on an existing order, you can't decrease this amount below the quantity shown in the Units Received field.

Input to this field is required.


required, default is best price from vendor price file

Enter the cost per unit for the product. If you press RETURN while the field is blank, the system searches the vendor price file for the best price for the product, for the number of units entered in the Units field. If a price is found it is displayed, otherwise the field remains blank.

The amount entered in this field is used to calculate the total amount of this transaction. It appears on the printed purchase order form sent to the vendor.

If the amount shown in the Units Received field is non-zero, one or more shipments have been received for this item, and this field can't be changed.

Input to this field is required.


required, default from vendor price file

Enter the unit of measure for this product. This is the relationship between product units (units as stored in inventory) and vendor units (units as sold by the vendor).

U/M = product units / vendor units

If one vendor unit is stored in inventory as one product unit, U/M = 1. If one vendor unit is stored in inventory as two product units, U/M = 2. If two vendor units are stored in inventory as one product unit, U/M = 0.5.

If you press RETURN while the field is blank, the default U/M, if there is one, is displayed. If the system can find a price in the vendor price file for this product, for the number of units in the Units field, the unit of measure for that price record, is the default U/M.

If the amount shown in the Units Received field is non-zero, one or more shipments have been received for this item, and this field can't be changed.

The value entered into this field must be greater than 0. Input to this field is required.

Vendor Units


The value displayed here is calculated by dividing the value in the Units field by the value in the U/M field. This value appears on the printed purchase order form sent to the vendor. It also appears on the receiving slip screen.

This field is displayed only.

Extended Price


The value displayed here is calculated by multiplying the value in the Vendor Units field by the value in the Each field. The amount appears on the printed purchase order form sent to the vendor.

Data cannot be entered into this field.

Vendor Spec.

required, default from vendor price file

Enter the vendor's code for the product. If you wish to use the default value from the vendor price file, press RETURN while the field is blank. If there is no price record, the field remains blank. The vendor specification appears on the printed purchase order form sent to the vendor.

If the amount shown in the Units Received field is non-zero, one or more shipments have been received for this item, and this field can't be changed.

Input to this field is required.



Enter any freight amount you wish to include as part of the product cost. Freight amounts to be tracked separately or to be applied to the total order, should be entered on the freight screen.

Input to this field is optional.



The value displayed here is the sum of the amounts in the Extended Price field and the Freight field. This is a display only field.

Units Received


This field displays the number of product units received and is updated when a receiving slip is created for this order detail.

This is a display only field, data cannot be entered here.