42.4.1 Header Screen

The Non-Inventory Purchase Order header screen allows display and entry of general information pertaining to an entire purchase order. A picture of the header screen is shown below.


This screen is displayed when the Non-Inventory Purchase Orders data entry form is first selected from the Purchase Order menu, or after the vendor address screen is processed. a description of the fields on this screen follows.


required, default = today's date

The date of the purchase order represents the date the purchase order was entered into the system. This date is used with reports. The default value for this field (displayed by leaving the field blank and pressing the RETURN key) is today's date.

Input to this field is required.

P.O. No.

required, auto-increment default

Enter a unique code for identifying the purchase order within the file system. Once a purchase order code is used, no other purchase order (inventory or non-inventory) within the purchase order file system can use the same code.

It is possible to have incremental purchase order numbers displayed when entering a series of purchase orders in a single screen access session. This feature is activated by entering and storing the first purchase order. On successive orders, leave the P.O. No. field empty and press the RETURN key. The next purchase order number in sequence is displayed.

Each time the Non-Inventory Purchase Order data entry form is accessed from the menu, the first purchase order code must be entered and stored before this feature will work.

Input to this field is required.

Vendor No.

required, validated

Enter the unique vendor code created for the vendor when setting up the vendor name and address file. This code must be included in the vendor master file. You may examine the vendor master file through the validation screen associated with this field.

Once a purchase order has been printed, the vendor code can't be changed. This is done for internal auditing reasons. If a purchase order is printed with the wrong vendor, the purchasing agent should cancel (DELETE) the order and issue a new purchase order with a new purchase order number with the correct vendor.

Input to this field is required.

Vendor Name


When a valid vendor code is entered into the Vendor field, the full name of the vendor is displayed in this field.

This field is displayed only and cannot be changed from this screen.

Vendor Rep.


This field tracks the vendor's sales representative.

This field is informational only and input is optional.

Vendor Phone


When a valid vendor code is entered into the Vendor field, the vendor's phone number from the vendor master file is displayed in this field.

This field is display only and cannot be changed from this screen.

Pay Terms

optional, validated, default from vendor master

Enter here the vendor's payment terms. If the pay terms for the vendor have been entered into the vendor's master record, they are the default value for this field (leave the field blank and press the RETURN key). This field is used to determine pay date, discount date and discount amount for the vouchered purchase order. The pay terms entered here appear on the printed purchase order form sent to the vendor. The pay terms entered must be in the pay terms master file.

Input to this field is optional.



This field tracks the name of the company purchasing agent. This name appears on the printed purchase order form sent to the vendor.

Input to this field is optional.

Future Payable Account

required, validated, default - vendor master

Enter the future payable general ledger account. If the future payable account for the vendor has been entered into the vendor's master record, it is the default value for this field (leave the field blank and press the RETURN key).

The future payable account is used to accumulate the cost of the purchase order after it is received, but before a voucher is entered. When the purchase order is received, this account is credited for the amount of the purchase order. When a voucher is entered for the purchase order, this account is debited and the accounts payable account is credited for the amount of the purchase order.

This account should be a credit account and appear on the balance sheet. You may examine the general ledger master file through the validation screen associated with this field.

Input to this field is required.


optional, default = no

If this purchase order is a written confirmation of a telephone order, enter yes in this field. If the field is yes, the message: written confirmation of telephone order is printed on the purchase order sent to the vendor. The default value for this field is no.

Input to this field is optional.


optional, default = no

Purchase orders can be placed in "hold" status by entering yes into this field. A purchase order "on hold" is not printed regardless of the selection criteria used to print purchase orders.

A purchase order "on hold" can be taken out of "hold" status by changing this field to no. The next time purchase orders are printed, this purchase order will be printed if it meets the selection criteria. The default value for this field is no.

Input to this field is optional.

Order Total


This field displays the total amount of the purchase order. It is updated when the shipping screen is stored.

Data cannot be entered into this field.

Not Received


This field displays the amount of the purchase order that has not yet been received. This field is decreased as the order is received. When the order has been completely received, this field is zero.

The exception to this is if the freight charge has been entered on the separate freight screen and, the receiving slip for this order is entered manually. In this case, the Not Received amount reflects the freight amount. The Update Balances process decreases this field to zero if the order has been completely received.

This is a display only field; no data can be entered in this field.