Field Description Function Keys

The following table shows the function keys that are available in the Field Description form:

Field Definition Form                                                                                        

Function Keys

GOLD <F1> First key of a multi-key function. The Gold functions are listed at the end of this table.      


PREVIOUS <F2> Displays the previous Field Description form. On the first form, it displays the message No

more fields and a blank form. Pressing the PREVIOUS key again displays the last Field Description.


NEXT <F3> Displays the next Field Description form. On the last form, it displays the message No more

fields and a blank form. Pressing the NEXT key again displays the first Field Description.


UPDATE <F4> Updates the current (nonblank) Field Description form. After entering changes, press the STORE

<F5> key. Pressing the UPDATE key while in UPDATE mode redisplays the original field values.


STORE <F5> Stores the current Field Description form that you are adding or updating.


ADD <F6> Adds a new Field Description after the current Field Description. Press the STORE key to record

the new Field Description.


SWITCH <F7> Displays the Primary Key Field Names form.


EXIT <F8> Writes the RMS definition file and exists.


HOME <F1>gifs/00000005.gif Moves the cursor to the Field Name field.


CLEAR <F1>4 Clears the current form in ADD or UPDATE mode.


DELETE <F1>d Deletes the current Field Description and clears the form.


HELP <F1>h Displays on-line help.


REFRESH <F1>r Redisplays the screen.


CANCEL <F1>x Cancels ADD or UPDATE mode.