5.7 Entering a Field Description

To enter a new data entry field, position the cursor with the Arrow keys to where the data entry field should start. Pushing the ADD <F6> key displays the Field Description form. This is used to enter information about the field to be placed in the data entry form being built. The Field Description form is shown below.


After all the data in the Field Description form has been entered, pushing the STORE <F5> key stores the new field in the formfile and redisplays the form being built with the added screen field displayed.

If the cursor is placed on an existing data entry field, the field description for that field can be updated by pressing the UPDATE <F4> key. A Field Description form is displayed with the fields filled in with the information describing that field. The cursor can be moved to any of the fields, and the information changed. Pushing STORE <F5> stores the updated field in the formfile and redisplays the form being built with the updated screen field displayed.

If the UPDATE <F4> key is pressed while a Field Description is being updated, the original contents of the Field Description is redisplayed.

If GOLD <F1> and the R key are pressed, the screen is erased, and the Field Description form is redrawn. Alternately, if GOLD <F1> and the D key are pressed, the added or updated screen field is deleted, and the form being built is redisplayed with the field erased.

When entering or updating a Field Description form, the ADD <F6>, SWITCH <F7>, and EXIT <F8> keys are ignored.

The Field Description form actually has two parts. The previous screen is a picture of the first part. The second part is displayed by pressing either the PREVIOUS <F2> or NEXT <F3> key, and is shown below.


Using this second part of the Field Description screen is covered in Chapter 6, Advanced Form Features in this manual and will not be covered here. We will, however, mention that some editing of the screen's contents will occur prior to displaying the other screen. Therefore, invalid or erroneous entries made on either screen may inhibit the display of the accompanying screen.