7.19 Summary

As we've seen, visual reportfiles serve a very useful dual purpose. On the one hand, non-programmers can create visual reports which are both professional in appearance and highly valuable in terms of the data which they present, while, on the other hand, programmers may use a visual reportfile as a building-block, or short-cut, in writing text reportfiles. Creating visual reports may even be used as a common denominator between these two seemingly disparate groups. For example, any C/Base user can create a visual reportfile containing the basic report layout (i.e., fields, heading, etc.) which may then be customized by a programmer using the Report Writer language. Creating visual reports in this way may also serve to introduce non-programmers to many fundamental programming techniques and the logic associated with them. Regardless of the manner in which it is used, visual reports have self-imposed limitations, knowledgeable users may circumvent these by using visual reports in conjunction with other programs, developing numerous reports with a minimal amount of time and effort.