Entering Background Text

You can enter background text in the Menu Picture screen by typing the desired text. If you type over old background text, the new text replaces the old. You cannot type background text over a choice. You must either move the choice or DELETE the choice.

Table 8-10 lists the special keys available in the Menu Picture screen.

Table 8-10: Menu Picture Screen Special Keys

Name Key Function

Up Arrow gifs/00000005.gif The Up Arrow key moves the cursor up one line. If the cursor is already on the top line, it stays on the top line.

Down Arrow gifs/00000004.gif The Down Arrow key moves the cursor down one line. If the cursor is already on the bottom line, it stays on the bottom line.

Left Arrow gifs/00000003.gif The Left Arrow key moves the cursor to the left one column. If the cursor is already in the left most column, it stays in the left most column.

Right Arrow gifs/00000002.gif The Right Arrow key moves the cursor to the right one column. If the cursor is already in the right most column, it stays in the right most column.

Tab The Tab key moves the cursor to the next tab stop. Tab stops are every eight columns.

Return The Return key moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line.

Home <F1>gifs/00000005.gif The Home key moves the cursor to the upper left corner of the screen.

Erase The Erase key (usually Back Space) backs up and erases the last character typed.

Insert Line The Insert Line key inserts a blank line at the current cursor position. You cannot move a choice off the bottom of the screen with the Insert Line key.

Delete Line The Delete Line key deletes a line at the current cursor position. You cannot delete a line containing a choice with the Delete Line key.

Insert Char The Insert Char key inserts a blank at the cursor position and shifts the rest of the line to the right. You cannot move a choice off the end of a line with the Insert Char key nor can you insert a character immediately after a choice.

Delete Char The Delete Char key deletes a character at the cursor position and shifts the rest of the field to the left. You cannot delete a choice with the Delete Char key nor can you delete a character immediately before or after a choice.

Interrupt The Interrupt key forces menudef to quit immediately without saving the new menufile.