8.11 Menu Error Messages

" expected

The closing quote (") in a string constant was not found. String constants must be on one line.

',' expected

A comma was missing in a menu function that requires more than one expression.

'(' expected

A beginning parenthesis was missing after a menu function.

')' expected

A closing parenthesis was missing in an expression, or there was an extra open parenthesis.

as expected

The as keyword was not found where expected in an ask command.

bad menu format, line n

An invalid menufile entry was encountered at line n of the menufile.

bad parameter format, line n

An invalid parameter form description was encountered at line n of the menufile.

cannot open file in size expression

The size function could not open the named file. This usually means the file does not exist.

cannot find size of file

The size function could not determine the size of the file expression of a menu size command. This error should not occur.

cannot create temp file

cannot create temporary file

Menu could not create a temporary file used for command substitution. Check that the directory /tmp exists.

cannot open menu file name

The menufile name does not exist.

cannot open temp file

Menu could not open a temporary file used for command substitution. This error should not occur.

cannot redirect standard output

Menu could not reopen standard output for command substitution. This error should not occur.

DATATYPE not specified in field description, line n

The DATATYPE attribute was missing in a parameter field description at line n of the menufile.

FIELDSIZE not specified in field description, line n

The FIELDSIZE attribute was missing in a parameter field description at line n of the menufile.

end of line expected

Something was found where menu expected the end of the command line. Also check for misplaced punctuation.

endfor expected

An endfor command was missing, or there was an extra for command.

endif expected

An endif command was missing, or there was an extra if command.

endwhile expected

An endwhile command was missing, or there was an extra while command.

environment name too long (name)

Menu encountered the environment variable name that was more than 15 characters long.

in expected

The in keyword was not found where expected in a for command.

Input required

An ask command was encountered that has the input required keyword as part of the command.

internal error in basename

The basename function detected an internal error. This error should not occur.

invalid data type

The data type in an ask command was not boolean, date, integer, money, real, string or time.

invalid data type, line n

The data type specified in a parameter form field description at line n of the menufile was not boolean, character, date, integer, long, money, real, string or time.

invalid directory

An invalid directory name was supplied to the built-in menu command cd or chdir.

invalid expression element

A symbol did not make sense in the context of the expression. Check for misplaced symbols.

invalid FIELDSIZE, line n

The value of the FIELDSIZE attribute in a parameter form field description was not a valid integer at line n of the menufile.

invalid menufile option, line n

An invalid menufile statement was encountered at line n of the menufile. You must edit the menufile with a text editor.

invalid variable name name, line n

A variable name defined in a parameter field description has more than 15 characters in its name.

menu file does not begin with menufile statement

The first line of every menufile must be a menufile statement.

menu file too large

The menufile is too large. Possibly not enough memory.

missing menufile commands

The menu did not have at least one menu description or Menu was invoked with the -s flag and there were no menufile commands to be run as a script file.

missing newline at end of menufile

The last statement in a menufile did not have a newline at the end.

no commands allowed in parameter form, line n

Menu did not recognize a parameter form description and assumed commands were placed in the form at line n of the menufile.

no commands found in menu name

The menu name did not have any choice commands.

no exit from menu

The menu did not have a quit or menu choice command.

no fields in parameter description name

There must be at least one parameter field definition in the parameter form description for name.

out of environment space

No memory is available for an exported shell variable. This is a fixed limit. You must reduce the size or number of exported variables.

out of memory

No memory is available for a variable or temporary value.

out of temporary names

There is no room left for temporary names. This is a fixed limit. You must reduce the number of variables used or simplify your expressions.

parameter name expected

The name for a parameter form was not found where expected in a param command.

required expected

The required keyword was not found where expected in a ask command.

string too long

Strings must be 255 characters or shorter.

symbol table full

There is no room left for new variable names. This is a fixed limit. You must reduce the number of variables used.

TERM parameter not set

The shell variable TERM was not set, or it was set to an undefined terminal name.

to expected

The to keyword was not found where expected in an ask or set command.

undefined variable

A variable was referenced within an expression or substitution that has not been assigned a value.

unexpected end of commands

The end of commands was reached while inside an if, elseif, while, for, or else command group.

undefined parameter form name

When the built in menu commands are being used, a command, other than the first in a menu choice, references a parameter form that has not been defined.

undefined parameter description name

The first command within a menu choice references a parameter form that has not been defined.

variable expected

A variable was not found where expected when scanning a command.