10.6.3 Operators

The operators supported in expressions are similar to operators found in other computer languages. The following table shows the operators supported by the Report Writer:

Operator Name Example

- negate -10, -amount

+ plus amount+10

- minus amount-10

* times amount*10

/ divide amount/10

DIV integer division amount DIV 10

% modulus amount%10

** exponent amount**3

@ string concatenation "How now, " @ "brown cow."

If amount equals 21.5, then the following shows what will be the result of each operator:

-amount =-21.5

amount+10 =31.5

amount-10 =11.5

amount*10 =215

amount/10 =2.15

amount DIV 10 =2

amount%10 =1.5

amount**3 =21.5 * 21.5 * 21.5
