form - display input form on terminal, accept input


form [-qfuadkv] formfile


Form is a general purpose input program for adding, querying, updating, and deleting records in RMSfiles. The RMSfiles accessed are those created by using the C/Base RMS utilities.

The first argument to form specifies which input modes are allowed. The letters stand for query, find, update, add, and delete. If a letter is missing, the corresponding input mode is not allowed. The letter k stands for kill, and if this letter is present, the terminal user can immediately exit from form by pushing the INTERRUPT or QUIT key. If the letter k is not present, then these two keys are ignored. If this first parameter is missing altogether, only QUERY and FIND modes are allowed.

If the v flag is present, then the listed modes are also allowed in validation forms. If the v flag is missing, only QUERY and FIND are allowed in validation forms.

The formfile is a file created by formdef(C-1) or cform(C-1) that describes the format and operation of the terminal input forms.


cform(1), formdef(C-1).

Chapter 5, Creating Formfiles.

Chapter 3, Using Form.

Chapter 6, Advanced Form Features.

C/Base Utilities Manual Chapter 3, Form Programming Guide.