rptadmin - administer reportfile catalog


rptadmin -a [-vx] [-C comment] [-P precompile] lreport sysname

rptadmin -c [-vx] lreport [comprpt]

rptadmin -d [-vx] lreport

rptadmin -f [-v] lreport

rptadmin -l [-v] dbname [printfields]

rptadmin -r [-v] lreport [printfields]

rptadmin -t [-v] lreport

rptadmin -u [-vx] [-C comment] [-P precompile] [-S sysname] lreport


Rptadmin maintains the reportfile catalog. Rptadmin either adds, updates or deletes a logical reportfile entry from the reportfile catalog, or provides catalog information on existing entries.

One of the following flags must be specified to indicate the operation to be performed by rptadmin:

-a Adds an entry for lreport to the reportfile catalog. An entry in the reportfile catalog cannot already exist for the logical reportfile lreport. Sysname names the pathname of the reportfile. This can be an absolute pathname or a pathname relative to the home directory of the database.

The -C flag initializes the description catalog field for a logical reportfile. If it is omitted, the description field is set to null. The -P flag initializes the precompile status catalog field. If it is omitted, the precompile status field is set to no.

-c Compiles the logical reportfile, lreport, into an intermediate code for future interpretation by wtr(C-1). The intermediate code is written to comprpt, unless omitted. If the logical report has the precompile status field set to yes, the compiled code is written to the reportfile's compiled pathname. This pathname is formed by appending .rw to the pathname of the logical reportfile. If the precompile status field is set to no, the intermediate code is written to the default a.rw file. With the -v flag specified, the reportfile's compiled pathname is written on standard output.

The reportfile for lreport is assumed to be a report writer source file (created with a text editor) or a visual report that was created with either wtrdef(C-1) or creport(C-1). If the pathname for lreport happens to be the compiled version of a report, no additional compilations are performed.

-d Deletes the logical reportfile entry for lreport from the reportfile catalog. The physical reportfile is not removed from the system.

-f Displays on standard output the absolute pathname of lreport.

-l Displays all logical reportfiles currently defined for the database dbname. With the -v flag, titles for all selected printfields are displayed. With no printfields selected, the default is the description of each logical reportfile in addition to its' name. Printfields selects the catalog field information displayed for each logical reportfile. The printfields available for a logical reportfile are dbname, rptname, sysname, desc, precompile, and type.

-r Displays the catalog field information for one logical reportfile entry. With the -v flag, titles for all selected printfields are displayed. With no printfields selected, the default is the description of lreport and its' name. The printfields available for a logical reportfile are dbname, rptname, sysname, desc, precompile, and type.

-t Displays the report type of lreport. A reportfile can represent one of three (3) valid report types. Report types supported are:

VISUAL Represents reports created with wtrdef(C-1).

TEXT Represents reports created with a text editor.

COMPILED Represents reports that have been compiled with crw(C-1). A compiled report is the intermediate code which is interpretable by wtr(C-1).

-u Updates the catalog entry for the existing logical reportfile lreport. At least one of the optional flags (-C, -P, or -S) must be supplied when updating a logical reportfile entry.

The meanings of the optional flags are:

-v Displays progress information on standard output.

-x Displays on standard output the commands run by rptadmin.

-C comment

Supplies the description of lreport that is stored with the logical reportfile entry. If the -C flag is specified, comment is required and must be quoted if embedded with blanks, tabs or newlines. If this flag is omitted when adding a logical reportfile, the description is set to null. If this flag is omitted when the -u flag is specified, the description for the logical reportfile is unchanged.

-P boolean

Specifies the precompile status of lreport. The precompile status indicates whether a compiled version of the report should be maintained for a logical report. Boolean is either set to yes, maintain a compiled version of the report, or no, do not maintain a compiled version for lreport. If a compiled reportfile is maintained, the pathname for the compiled version of the report is formed by appending .rw to the pathname of the logical reportfile.

-S sysname

Names the system pathname for the logical reportfile lreport. Sysname can be an absolute pathname (e.q. \cbase\demo\rpt\mag), or a pathname relative to the home directory of the database (e.q. rpt\mag).


rptedit(C-1), grace(C-1), crw(C-1), wtr(C-1), wtrdef(C-1), creport(C-1), preport(C-1), wtr(C-1), rptupd(C-1).