wtr - interpret a compiled reportfile


wtr [flags] ifile [pfile]


After a reportfile has been compiled using crw(C-1), wtr is used to
produce the actual report. Once the reportfile has been compiled, you
can run wtr on the intermediate code repeatedly to produce multiple

Flags can be one or more of the following:

-d Start reportfile with program trace enabled.

-lnnn Set the page length to nnn. This is overridden by a report
with a SET PAGELENGTH statement.

-bnnn Set the last print line to nnn. This is overridden by a
reportfile with a SET LASTLINE statement.

-tnnn Set the first print line to nnn. This is overridden by a
reportfile with a SET FIRSTLINE statement.

-wnnn Set the page width to nnn. This is overridden by a
reportfile with a SET PAGEWIDTH statement.

-Pnnn Set the maximum number of pages to print to nnn. This is
overridden by a reportfile with a SET MAXPAGES statement.

-n This argument causes wtr to print the total number of reads
executed by a report. This is a useful tool for improving
the performance of a report by selecting different indexs
to read from.

-Snnn Set the number of pages to skip to nnn. This is
overridden by a reportfile with a SET SKIPPAGES statement.

-s The next argument is an internal file name in the
reportfile. The standard input is read by the first SELECT,
FIND, or FOR EACH statement that reads the given internal
reportfile name. The standard input must be in a format
compatible with the output from pull(C-1). As each line is
read from the standard input, the record number in the last
field is used to read the next record from the associated
RMSfile. This flag allows a pull(C-1) and sort to be
performed outside of wtr and the result to be used by wtr.

Ifile is an intermediate file created by crw(C-1). Intermediate files which
did not compile without errors should not be run with the interpreter.

All of the output from the report is written to pfile, (standard output
default). All spacing is done with blanks and new lines.


Most of the errors should be self-explanatory. Since the report writer
does not retrieve data field information until the reportfile is interpreted
by wtr, it is possible to have report errors related to missing RMSfiles
or fields that are not checked by crw(C-1).


crw(C-1), grace(C-1).
Chapter 10, Report Writer Programming Reference.