Version 6.0 .... coming soon!
Windows XP/Vista/7
Version 6.0 Server/ThinClient Install.

Support is just a click or a call away!
Software installation can be difficult, but it doesn't need to be. Conetic support staff is available FREE of charge to aid in the installation of our products. So please do not hesitate to call (210) 225-5185 or write

On Line Manuals.
Manuals are available on line free of charge.
Software we like ...!
Below is a brief list of software that we like. Some are free and others are not. Feel free to check them out yourself.
- Putty for Windows - Free terminal emulator.
- Winscp for Windows - Free ftp client.
- CrossLoop - Free & pay remote desktop support tool. Based on VNC.
- - Free & pay remote desktop support tool.
- GoToMyPc - pay remote desktop support tool.
- GoToMeeting - pay remote desktop meeting/sales tool.
- Xen Server - free and pay virtual server host operating system.
- VMware - free and pay virtual server host operating system.
- Cygwin - Linux-like environment for Windows.
- Go-Global - virutal Application server for Windows.