The foundation ....
C/Base™4GL is the foundation of our all our products. As with any contruction project, the foundation is key to the success of a well built building. C/Base provides Conetic customers with soild proven database, and record management engine. And since we own C/Base we control our products quality, performance, and cost.
Architecture layers:
Database engine layer -this layer is where the C/Base database engine resides. Alongside the the database engine is a series of advanced APIs and database commands. Unlike other database engines each executed session runs independent of one another, which provides exceptional speed and execution. At this level your developers have the ability to write C programs, Windows programs utilizing ActiveX libraries, and ODBC enabled applications.
C/Books Application layer - this layer is where the C/Books application resides. Key to this layer is that all C/Books application "script source code" is made available for free. By using the C/Base RAD tools our customers are able to enhance or modify the existing C/Books applications. The only rule is that you can add to our application and data structure, but you cannot remove. So in the event you would like to add new fields to a specific datafile, feel free - just do not remove any existing fields.
Custom Application layer - this layer sits on top of all others. It allows our customers to create new modules and applications that work in conjunction with or without C/Books modules.At this level our customers have a wide range of tool choices - the applications that are able to be created are limited only by one's imagination.
1.C/Base 4GL Database RAD
C/Base™4GL is an application development suite with a fast yet flexible, robust database engine that features a visual development environment, a scripting language, and application libraries with a C and ActiveX language interfaces. C/Base™4GL is easy to learn and easy to use, but also powerful enough for the most serious developers. Best of all, C/Base™4GL is based on an Open Systems architecture, giving you a wide variety of choices in hardware and operating system environments. Best of all - once C/Base is learned on one platform, that knowledge enables the developer to use C/Base tools on all supported platforms. So moving from Windows to Linux, to Solaris is painless.
The best testimony and proof of C/Base's abilities is C/Books. Due to the fact that the entire C/Books Accounting system was created and developed using C/Base tools.
2.C/Books Accounting Software
C/BOOKS® is a suite of nine fully integrated Accounting modules. C/BOOKS® was written using C/Base™4GL RAD tools. By using C/Base™4GL as the development foundation, all C/BOOKS® modules inheritate multi-user, multi-tasking power, and real-time transaction processing with true platform independance. However, one of the best features is the unique ability to quickly and painlessly modify C/BOOKS® data structure, data entry screens, reports, and menus - to meet your businesses own unique requirements. ....
Application source code is provide for FREE with each licensesd C/Books module.This is the C/Base 4GL script code -- that allows data files structure, data entry screens, reports, and menus to be customized/enhanced.